Here are the links to the technique guide. Technique List Episode Guide ZogiPedia Ronin Books/DVDs Instructor Videos Lockdown Flowchart...
Here they are brothers and sisters, 8 different sets of warm ups, 4 a week, so every 2 weeks the 8 sets will loop. I am requiring everyone at HQ to...
The 10P Index is looking pretty awesome!
Attended a Carlos Condit MMA striking seminar today in El Paso, Texas at Elite Kickboxing Academy. #10p4l
Want to start a thread for the 10p Famila social media accounts to show support for one another. . Post up the handle and follow a brotha. Follow son...
Hey guys! Got a hindulotine and a gogo clinch to win the absolute purple belt, thank you mr Eddie Bravo and Ben Eddy. Cool thing is that the...
Can someone please send me the 10th planet logo in either ai, eps or pdf file to ? Thank you so much for your help
I want to be able to master the lockdown, I got stuck here but I will find a way.
Here are the updated warmups written out as best I could. Please get at me with edits and I will fix it. The warmups with "shoot->Sprawl" I edited a...
I'm in the preliminary stages, with the support and guidance of my coach Dirty Ron Turner, of opening up a 10th Planet school in Taipei, Taiwan. One...
Going to open up 10th Planet Senegal in 10 years with Eddie Beans blessing.
i am testing of my first white belt stripe and was wondering the requirements to get this stripe? like the moves on the test
Elon Musk said, the space x launch of their heavy rocket where he sends a car to over mars ''Looks fake and like CGI'' ...
Heading to Puerto Rico in two weeks and wanted to know if there were any 10th Planets on the island.
Lately I've been going down the rabbit hole of trying to find obscure rubber guard positions, controls, and subs (like east coast croc, retard...
I am looking to rent a place close to a 10th Planet Gym so I can focus solely on training. Specifically I was hoping that someone knows of a place...
Hey yall, I ordered the 10p takeover tank top, and on my profile I could see that my order was placed, but now it's gone, and I never received an...
Mr. Gogoplata himself Nick Diaz is having a MMA seminar today in El Paso, Texas at Bushido MMA.
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