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  1. #1


    Rocha BJJ / Gracie Humaita
    Oakland, CA

    Falcao Clock Controversy, and General Mishaps

    A lot of people said the fight clock was screwed up in the Falcao-Lullo fight. In the round that ends with Falcao going for a RNC (I think the first), people said it ended early, which would obviously be a tough break for someone trying to finish a RNC. Review of the round has a current consensus that the bell rang about 7 seconds before it should have. How does something like this happen?

    First of all, let me say that we should primarily blame the commission, who is in charge of the clock, not the UFC. That being said, what can be done about this type of bonehead move? With the rapid expansion of the UFC to new states and countries, it's only going to get worse before it gets better, since there will regularly be governing bodies making decisions as newcomers. Does the UFC have to hire a ton of people just to watch all of the commission workers? In other words, is the only way to stop this kind of thing to have a UFC employee stand next to the clock guy and say "No, I know it's a big red button, but you have to wait until it says 5:00. No, that's 4:53. Stop touching that." Then expand that to all the other jobs that the commission is responsible for, and you get way higher costs, which means higher ticket prices, PPV prices, etc.

    Can someone explain to me why the UFC can not be allowed to hire and train people in jobs like this? Why can't they train, or at least brief, the judges on what is expected? Why can't they vito a ref, or the decision to ever use Cecil Peoples? Basically, why do commissions cut off their ability to control the consistency and effectiveness of key, decision-making staff?


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