Originally Posted by
Brandon Mccaghren
so, perhaps i am asking too much, but...
is there anyway to get the link to jump to the specific portion of the video that contains the technique? like if the arm drag is at 4:34 and i click the link and the video starts at 4:34.
or does it already do this for everyone else? my computer can be janky from time to time.
I can't tell you how many hours I have spent trying to figure out a way to do that. The problem is the skip feature appears to work on a Java "GET" command. I'd have to basically create a website that has a button for each technique's time and submit to videopress and even then I'm not sure that would work.
Of course I have all of the links that go directly to the video which then is easy to skip but I can't post those publicly because they bypass the login feature implemented on the 10thplanetjj site.
So in a nutshell, no.