Its not a silly question,
The warm-ups guide (part of the technique guide) is a good resource for this.
Warm ups Guide
The "Tech List" or the MTS "Episode Guide" can also be helpful. The Tech list has links to the episode of MTS in which the techniques are broken down, in detail.
Keep in mind that many of the warm ups have been updated. For example, if you are looking at warm ups D, the "Tech List" will point you to MTS 65, as well as a tweak/update that is shown in MTS 68. What it does not show is that warm ups D was tweaked a third time and demonstrated in MTS 89.
For this reason, the best way to research each warm up, maybe to search the "Episode Guide" for the name of the warm up. Problem with that is the Episode Guide is only updated to episode 90.
Happy drilling!