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  1. #51
    Kim Ferguson's Avatar

    10th Planet Burbank, Ca
    Glendale, Ca
    71 seem to have forgot what rank you are...and why are you on the ladies thread starting shit? You guys have a TON of threads to talk shit, boost your egos, troll and look at butts...we just want this ONE. thank you
    "Well behaved women rarely make history" Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

  2. #52
    Kim Ferguson's Avatar

    10th Planet Burbank, Ca
    Glendale, Ca
    Neale, I would love to talk shop with you on this...maybe message me? I am becoming quite the expert but am coming to the conclusion that for the masses ya gotta start with a ladies only class and a lot depends on your gym, your students and the general attitude on the mat.
    "Well behaved women rarely make history" Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

  3. #53
    Kim Ferguson's Avatar

    10th Planet Burbank, Ca
    Glendale, Ca
    Quote Originally Posted by Tim Elliott View Post
    There never seem to be as many women as guys willing to do serious training in some sports, but sorry Quinto, in my experience the ones that do leave the guys in the dust. I trained alongside women for years when I was Rowing and they set the standard for work ethic and toughness.

    Im trying to get my Girlfriend brave enough to come train, she is nervous and has not plucked up the courage yet. Any tips girls? Pisses me off because she has all the physical attributes, I wish I had. Her flexibility is crazy.

    My other problem is stopping the other guys training in the gym making comments when the girls are rolling. Iv threatened them with violence, but thats pretty much what they are there for.
    Nobody should ever let someone else intimidate them away from doing something they want to do. If your girl wants to do it, it's up to her. They guys might be rude or they might be cool but that is not in her control, going to class is- just do it! and hopefully as her boyfriend you can steer her toward good partners. I personally would not allow people in my gym to comment in a demeaning way to anyone. We all talk shit and give each other a hard time- maybe speak to your instructor.
    When I decided I want to train under Eddie all my Gi buddies were like "oh, man, you don't want to train with those guys! they are all ego-ed out, hot shots." When I finally went to a class Eddie was SUPER nice and helpful and most of the guys were very open and willing not only to roll with me but help too. Honestly one of the best first class experiences I ever had and I trained like every decent JJ school in the LA area!
    "Well behaved women rarely make history" Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

  4. #54
    Eddie Bravo's Avatar

    10th Planet HQ
    Los Angeles, CA
    Crazy how jiu jitsu is the absolute best martial art for women yet so few do it. But who knows, maybe it's just one very successful reality show away from being the next pilates

    "Rapist don't box, they wrestle" -Queen Elizabeth
    Follow me on Instagram @eddiebravo10p

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  5. #55


    10th planet charlotte
    maybe you can get more women into the mats if you advertise to them diffirently...most women only associate Jiu-jitsi with MMA..and most women dont want to fight or to be in a sport that makes them seem too masculine or tough. advertiseing the sport as self defense does help some...but i have yet to see anyone try to focus on the health and weightloss benifits..whitch is a big factor to most women,you cant market to women the same way you market to men..not trying to be sexist or bias but this is true, companys spend millions to have studys done to focus on a core group. age, sex,race, income,religion..and hundreds of other factors that you would never imagine effect the way they advertise.

    case in point is a gym i use to go to where the owner advertised his awsome powerlifting programs and had pics of men and women bodybuilders,,and chalk everwere...guy drove a old pick up that was as broke as he was..well some "couple" came in and made him an offer that just barely got all his debt paid off....only thing they did was changing the paint from dark purple and black to white and brought in a few more treadmills and advertised about health and weight loss and family atmosphere..well they pack it out now and that first gym is now three..and all due to marketing

    i mean im sure most instructers are wanting that female to come in that is a hardcore roller and they can take to NAGA but if you advertise for just that type of female you will alienate a LARGER group.

    just saying

  6. #56


    ian quinto with the bait!, hook line and sinker.

  7. #57
    Quote Originally Posted by Kim Ferguson View Post
    ian...why are you on the ladies thread starting shit?

  8. #58


    10th Planet Montreal
    I cry inside everytime i see the girls leave after kickboxing class. The should skip kickboxing altogether and do jiu jitsu. The trick is to get a couple girls who are serious. Others will follow, ts just hard when there is one girl who tries it with a bunch of guys.

  9. #59



  10. #60


    10th planet Spokane
    Spokane, WA
    Quote Originally Posted by Jesse Bell View Post
    I cry inside everytime i see the girls leave after kickboxing class. The should skip kickboxing altogether and do jiu jitsu. The trick is to get a couple girls who are serious. Others will follow, ts just hard when there is one girl who tries it with a bunch of guys.
    I don't think just training with guys is a negative thing. I for the most part I only have men to roll with. I just set limits... No one over 170, and I ask them not to just muscle a move because they can. It can be daunting and discouraging at times but I think that it has made me have a good defense. If they are douche bags who just neck crank me every time just because they are afraid of losing to a girl, I wont roll with that dude. As a girl, I have more say in who I roll with. I am lucky because I have a great gym and really nice guys. No one is a douche with a big head.

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