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  1. #1


    The Forge BJJ
    Oklahoma City

    White Tantric Yoga

    I was looking at the website for 10p San Fran and noticed that Denny P is listed as a certified Kundalini Instructor. I'm familiar with that art-form, and I know that it requires at least a couple sessions of White Tantric Yoga.

    I've attended a number of these workshops including a Winter Solstice which involved 3 days in a row of 10+ hours of the stuff. I love it, but it's pretty obscure and a little strange.

    Wondering how many other 10p practitioners are familiar with the practice of White Tantric Yoga and have participated.

    For those unfamiliar, you can look at the official website. The explanation leaves a little to be desired.

    Essentially the practice is done with a partner, normally boy-girl. You sit in front of your partner and get into what I can only describe as a stress position. For example, raising your arms over your head in a V shape, pointing your thumbs to the sky, and holding that position. Now you chant while making unbroken eye-contact with your partner for 60 minutes. Then you get a short break, followed by a new stress position, new chant, and another 60 minutes of unbroken eye-contact with your partner.

    Sometimes you don't do the eye contact part, sometimes you don't chant, sometimes it's not really a stress position, and it's always different every time you do it.

    Often times the stress positions involve holding onto your partner... by the elbows for example. Once I had to do one where you put your forehead against your partner's forehead and held it there making unbroken eye-contact for 60 minutes.

    This goes on for about 8 hours during a normal 1-day workshop. During Summer and Winter solstace it's more like 10 hours, and 3 days in a row.

    I personally find it to be one of the most powerful forms of meditation I've experienced. I've lived in a Zen Buddhist temple, I've walked on fire, but White Tantric Yoga takes the cake for most intense.

    Anyone else ever try this crazy stuff?

  2. #2

    10Th Planet Jiu Jitsu San Francisco
    I have done two white tantric meditation seminars, Loved them!!! It's a super powerful experience.

  3. #3


    The Forge BJJ
    Oklahoma City
    Just heard Rogan give some Prokopos callouts in JRE #621 (Aubrey Marcus) regarding Kundalini Yoga.

    Love it. Excited how many people are waking up to the power of the Prana.

    I'd really recommend anyone who might be interested, check this stuff out. You don't need any yoga training, no experience necessary. All that is required is some white cotton clothing and an open mind.

    I've done 6 days so far. The hardest part is finding a seminar you can make it to. I drove 9 hours to Austin, 7 hours to Santa Fe, and 21 hours to Florida to get to them. Well worth it. Florida was 7 days of sleeping in my tent and doing Kundalini Yoga, with 3 days of that being the White Tantric work. One of the coolest experiences of my life.

  4. #4


    10th Planet Montreal
    Thanks for sharing

  5. #5
    stancran's Avatar

    10th Planet Springfield MO
    Springfield, MO
    I've done Raja Yoga exclusively but going to look into this. Thanks for the post!


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