Originally Posted by
They found no curvature with those exp. not curvature side to side , no curvature up to down.
So if you thing that curvature is actually like a spiral going side to side and up and down and thats why its so hard to see
but you can see around a building cus of optics then you are tripping balls and should lunch rockets to space .
I believe in "lunch". It is one of the top 5 most important meals of the day.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. And yet Disc-Earth people have no proof - only anti-establishment bias and mysticism.
If you managed to read to the end of the article on the Bedford Level Experiments you would have seen that when measured close to the surface the experiment simply measures refraction of light. These experiments only had two points of reference.
When measured at a height of 4m above the surface, the experiment showed the expected curvature of the Earth - these experiments used 3 points of reference. It is a very simple experiment, even school children can do it. But apparently Disc-Earth people can't.
Disc-Earth people can't explain the motions of the planets.
Can't explain why other planets in the solar system are globes.
Can't explain how hundreds of years ago, astronomers using telescopes and trigonometry determined the distances from Earth-Sun, Venus-Sun, Mars-Sun, etc.
I am not convinced that any Disc-Earth people know what trigonometry is or how to do it.
I am definitely a fan of having an open mind and questioning things. Apparently Disc-Earth people question everything except Disc-Earth.