Start a club that works on developmental classes. Not a gym, but a club. I did that with sambo, over the years, and now have more international comp experience in sambo than the overwhelming majority of players in the United States, official affiliation with the two major sambo organizations here, hours upon hours of training at seminars here and in Russia, and I have never not placed at a domestic tournament.
We have a strong club now, with some of the best players in the US. And honestly, sometimes people talk shit, or question my legitimacy, or tell everyone how they tapped me (which has little to do with real sambo) years ago, or whatever. And honestly, sometimes it hurts, or is discouraging, especially since I have put so much blood, sweat, and tears (literally) into the sport.
Fuck them, though. I'm doing what I love, and now there's a place in Austin to train real sambo.