Coincidentally I've just been looking at these techniques today. Here's the material I've found so far:
Ben's initial video is good
But there have been improvements since that was filmed and I can't remember exactly where I saw it. Episode of MTS probably. From what I remember:
Ben changed his grip on the choke from S-Grip to Reverse-Gable.
I think Ben also said he's no longer pushing his left hand between his chest and his left thigh to complete the choke, instead he's reaching over his left shin and going through the hole between his calf and left thigh from the underside to connect the choke to his right hand.
What seems most impressive to me about this technique is that you can get passed on the right and you don't care. That seems amazing.
Another thing I noticed is that Ben's shoulders are very wide, and he seems to have considerable flexibility in them. I'm curious how necessary that is to make this series of techniques effective. You need good hip flexibility to play rubber guard, it looks to me like you need good shoulders to play Hindu.
I am curious how Hindu Control might translate to MMA. For starters the glove, acting like an anchor once you bury that right arm under the neck, and for another bare sweaty arms and chest would probably allow you to slide that right arm in much more easily. That pocket on the right that you are burying your arm into looks to be really tight. That seems to be what that Meathook setup is about, he's using it to rotate the opponent's chest and open up that pocket so he can swing his right arm in there. If it's a big sweaty meaty naked dude on top of you, that arm probably slips right in that pocket a lot easier.
Also in MMA I imagine you might be able to hide a serious glove-lock (not sure what it's called when you illegally hook your fingers into the wrist of your other glove). But could the ref even see that shit under all that stuff? Not that I endorse cheating, but you can bet that if you can get away with it some guys are going to