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  1. #41


    10th Planet HQ circa 2006-07
    Spiritual Realms
    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Steinmetz View Post
    Ok Eddie, since you don't believe photos from NASA, how about photos from other agencies? The photos are real, just because you don't understand how they were processed does not make them fake. Here is a link to just a few. There are HUNDREDS.

    I don't understand how anyone can sit through almost four hours of this bullshit.
    Dude... I hear you. I wouldn't even look into flat earth because I thought it was the dumbest thing ever. Then I watched this and now I have questions.

  2. #42
    LuT's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jason Mallory View Post
    Dude... I hear you. I wouldn't even look into flat earth because I thought it was the dumbest thing ever. Then I watched this and now I have questions.

    haha hit em with the 2 hour version

  3. #43


    10th Planet HQ circa 2006-07
    Spiritual Realms
    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Steinmetz View Post
    I'm sorry Jason, but I saw nothing in that video that causes me to have "questions". All one has to do is Google debunking Flat Earth and every point he made is refuted. I can only think that the maker of this video is either a con-man, or motivated by some deep seeded psychological need to feel "special" in the universe as indicated by remarks near the end of this video.
    Ok... cool man.

  4. #44
    If the Earth is flat, how is it winter in Brazil when it's summer in the US? Why is it that when I was backpacking in the middle of Alaska in June/July the sun circled over head and never set behind the horizon. On that same day, the sun set over the horizon for all you dummies living in LA who have never seen the night the sky or have seen a ship sail over the horizon.

  5. #45
    Michael, I fully recognize Eddie's brilliance when it comes to jiu jitsu. The evidence is as clear and accessible as the Earth is spherical.

  6. #46
    LuT's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Teddy Tortorici View Post
    If the Earth is flat, how is it winter in Brazil when it's summer in the US? Why is it that when I was backpacking in the middle of Alaska in June/July the sun circled over head and never set behind the horizon. On that same day, the sun set over the horizon for all you dummies living in LA who have never seen the night the sky or have seen a ship sail over the horizon.
    It looks to me the answer to the question is in the question its self...

    pretty sure you are trolling btw...

    Jason thanks for the repost dude

  7. #47
    LuT's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jason Mallory View Post
    Infowars is pulling a Jon Jones by posting video and then taking it down. Trolls !

    this is beautiful, i had not seen it before the censorship is real...

    Alex Jones needs to be real about this or he will loss street cred. and now is the time cus the president just gave NAS A more money...

    p.s. I love you Eddie, thank you for risking your life for us all dude.

  8. #48
    LuT's Avatar

    Open Mat
    no homo btw if its not obvious

  9. #49
    LuT, I'm not trolling. The Earth ain't flat bro.

  10. #50
    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Steinmetz View Post
    Teddy, you have me wanting to go back packing in Alaska now! I can't get that out of my mind! For some reason that just sounds like an awesome thing to do right now.
    Make sure to bring your bug spray, mosquito nets, and sleeping mask haha. The mosquitos are big and the sun never goes away (in the summer).

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