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Thread: Jre # 948

  1. #21
    LuT's Avatar

    Open Mat
    I was making the point that a HUGE amount of WORK done by research from people like me , you and other on subjects its just thrown away. Because we "dont know enough" or we have not "read a book" or what ever and that as frustrating as it is is hilerious as an argument and i think it comes from us actually making good points that people dont want to spend the time on.
    But what do they want right? We spent time we give subjects out there to debate but its never good enough.
    Its because they dont wont to allow a person that through work has manage to get in to a fast flow of information and sees things quicker then them... Its like if you aways play the hammer you dont like it when your the nail.

  2. #22


    10th Planet HQ, Gracie Academy HQ
    LA via Chicago
    Guys, this episode was about Joe letting Eddie blow off some steam about Flat Earth. Eddie works hard, he's all over the world, let the man get his Flat Earth fix. That's my takeaway from the whole thing.

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by LuT View Post
    Im not saying that tho...
    And here i got to say i wear the higher primate fanny pack everyday just like i wear 10p shirt and i love it.
    I watch the JRE like i listen to EBR like a fan of the show.

    With that said i actually think Joe and master Eddie were playing out a normal conversation between a round guy and a flat Earth guy ... so its out there on/in the web so we can see the main points at the time. ( thats why i love the show you can get information in real time through a conversation between 2 very smart people. ) .
    So with that said Joe was just playing the part of the conventional interviewer and asking the important questions and making the fair points to master Eddie for us to have as reaction of all to those.

    I just wonted to make a point on his point , cus its a thing i have encounter a lot from people.
    Interesting perspective.

  4. #24


    Quote Originally Posted by Humanfit View Post
    Interesting perspective.
    very similar to joe's 911 episode and his interactions with alex - doesnt seem like joe always telegraphs when he's assuming a certain posture for the sake of conversation flow.

  5. #25
    He definately seemed more tolerant of Alex but I think you might be on to something. I'm really diggin the perspective. Thanks guys!

  6. #26
    Ernest's Avatar

    10th planet L.A. Tapout
    Do you have proof the Earth is round? or a sphere?or an Oblate Spheroid!? or that is spins at 1040 miles an hour? or do you just have faith that it does?

    Some of the first "Whistle blowers" of flat earth are Pilots and Military officials!

    But again I ask you to do your own research and come to your own conclusion! I am not trying to convince anyone to believe that the Earth is flat. I am only asking you to use your own senses and knowledge to come to your conclusion, rather than asking someone else to Prove it!

  7. #27


    The coriolis effect wouldnt even apply to a bullet trajectory, though - that's one of those "Turbo Encabulator" style headfakes.

  8. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by Ernest View Post
    Do you have proof the Earth is round? or a sphere?or an Oblate Spheroid!? or that is spins at 1040 miles an hour? or do you just have faith that it does?

    Some of the first "Whistle blowers" of flat earth are Pilots and Military officials!

    But again I ask you to do your own research and come to your own conclusion! I am not trying to convince anyone to believe that the Earth is flat. I am only asking you to use your own senses and knowledge to come to your conclusion, rather than asking someone else to Prove it!
    What is proof? The only "proof" that Flat Earthers offer is testimony that is clearly bogus since it doesn't match reality. On the other hand, they deny all the testimony of people who have circumnavigated the globe, in aircraft and by water.

    Let's start with Latitude and Longitude.

    There's a proof right there.

    If the Earth were flat, latitude and longitude would present a polar co-ordinate system and so all distances between two points would not match real life, except for points on the same line of latitude.

    Really, you don't need anything other than to understand that, to know that the Earth is a globe.

  9. #29
    Ernest's Avatar

    10th planet L.A. Tapout
    So Longitude and Lattitude prove the Earth is a Sphere rotating at 1040 MPH?????! I don't see how you came to that conclusion, but to each their own.

    They taught you that the earth was just like the globe in school, so its gotta be true right!!!!
    And there is only 9 planets right!!! 10P4L

    I am not trying to change anyones mind. Do your research and come to your own conclusion. Good luck on your journey for truth brother.

    Quote Originally Posted by SebG View Post
    What is proof? The only "proof" that Flat Earthers offer is testimony that is clearly bogus since it doesn't match reality. On the other hand, they deny all the testimony of people who have circumnavigated the globe, in aircraft and by water.

    Let's start with Latitude and Longitude.

    There's a proof right there.

    If the Earth were flat, latitude and longitude would present a polar co-ordinate system and so all distances between two points would not match real life, except for points on the same line of latitude.

    Really, you don't need anything other than to understand that, to know that the Earth is a globe.

  10. #30
    Ernest's Avatar

    10th planet L.A. Tapout
    Let me give you guys some things to research unbiased:

    How does GPS work?

    Who invented Satellites? (Was it a Sci-Fi-Fi Author)

    What is operation Starfish Prime? (Why did we send so many nukes into space)

    What is the Van Allen Belt? (Have we ever passed through it)

    Who made the first Picture of Earth from Space? ( Was it a movie Studio? They like to reinforce this with almost every movie you have ever watched)

    Im not a flat Earther, Im an Open Minder; and Contrary to Joe Rogan's beliefs my Masters degree is not from University of Phoenix! LMFAO

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