Originally Posted by
Joshua Jarboe
Yeah. I'm not a conspiracy guy either. It doesn't take a conspiracy for the government to run the table.
It takes apathy.
Well said. The term "conspiracy" is kind of overused by both sides of the spectrum. It's not even necessary to say anyone "conspires". Essentially powerful people, whether from the government, the military, intelligence agencies, corporations, financial institutions, etc., simply people in power unfortunately abuse their very power in many different ways to keep it, to increase it if they can, without caring about what happens to others. Are many of them outright sadists? Are some of them outright psychopaths or sociopaths? For sure. What matters however is that it DOES happen, they do a lot of shit all over the world and far more people are suffering as a direct consequence. Are they part of some kind of insane religion/cult, believing in a "God of Suffering" who has to be pleased all the time? I don't think something like that is necessary, but who knows, insanity appears in many shapes and forms. Are they organizing themselves in some kind of "secret society" they call the "Illuminati"? I don't see the need for such child-like, roleplaying-esque secrecy when at the same time they openly organize themselves in all the various institutions I named above, but again, who knows. "Secret societies" are a far more exciting and sensational idea than banks and weapon companies.
Humans have so much potential for great things, unfortunately a lot of it is wasted.