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  1. #11
    (posted midnight 11-12th October)

    Dear friends,
    I beg of you, stop listening to all the fake news!
    October 12th 2017 is a day like all others!
    There is no END OF THE WORLD coming!
    Be joyful and cheer up, go to work, stay home with your loved ones, do whatever you like, because, there is no end of the world coming.
    When Jesus Christ will come, He will talk to us about a different ENDING of the AGES but not an ending of the WORLD whatsoever!
    People will be grabbed by the Holy Ghost and sent to the promise land, that’s another Earth, with another SUN.
    Here are the links that talk about the end of the world.:

    ---------romanian news article, 2 of the largest news organizations in romania-----
    Title translation:
    The end of the world comes on October 12th! What does NASA says about the annoncemnet that freaked out the planet.
    Article is about asteroid: 2012 TC4,
    I can reassure you my dear friends, there won’t be any end on 12th October 2017, nor on any other date!
    With Love Maria!

  2. #12
    An Airplane with Flight issues!
    October 8th 2016, Time: 4:30 early in the morning
    This early morning, I was hearing a loud noise made by a plane, and so I see a cloudy sky, and towards East, I see an airplane that’s losing altitude and leaves behind, a thick white very dense trail.
    --- random picture insert: ---
    My darlings, the airplane was flying chaotic, and could not recover at all. It was obvious that the pilot was doing great efforts, but it was in vain, because the plane was still losing altitude.
    Unfortunately, darlings, we will hear about and airplane that will have big issues while flying.
    What will be the end? I’m afraid to think about.
    Lets pray to the Good God and the Holy Mary, that no tragedy will take place with this airplane.
    With Love, Maria.
    It came true unfortunately! The Airplane Crashed! 100 dead people!
    I was writing about 2 months ago, an article, in which I was talking about an airplane that will have big issues during flight.
    ---- original article insert: -------

    Unfortunately darlings, what I was showed turned to be an awful tragedy,
    ---romanian news article insert: ----
    ---english news article (my insert): ---

  3. #13
    Fire Tornado towards South, South-East?!
    Nighttime September 26th-27th 2017, Time: 3:10!

    My Darlings,
    Seems this night is a white one for me, (sleepless night, that’s how we say it in Romanian because when I finished writing the previous article, I see this time, towards South, a huge fire tornado.

    I could see darlings, how people were running terrified on streets, in the fields, trying to get away from hell.
    --- random picture insert, link is huge, check original article for this picture if interested ---

    Like the tornados with black clouds, with that long “…”(something ??? – no idea what this word means even in Romanian, sorry), and with a blue-black “hat” above, i could see the same, a tornado, only that it was made of fire and bigger.
    --- random picture insert: ---

    Dear friends, we will hear of a Fire Tornado, that will place the lives of people in danger, and not only, and life on earth, wherever it will form, and why not, to the hole planet.

    Like a Tsunami takes shape, this is how the fire tornado was taking shape; like a fire wall.

    Lets pray to the Good God and The Holy Mary Mother of God, so they will protect us from all these disasters, and so they won’t turn Their face away from us.
    We on the other hand, have to turn our faces towards GOD and The Holy Mary, and ask forgiveness for all that we’ve sin, to ask forgiveness that we’ve spent too much time away from God and The Holy Ghost.

    My darlings, in this article, like never before, a voice stayed to my right and simply dictated me what to write and how to write. If I didn’t want to write like “it” told me, the voice was repeating again, and again, and again, so I can write like the Holy Ghost told me.

    I hope you are completely convinced brothers and sisters within God, that I don’t write from me, but from the Holy Ghost.
    It’s not for me that I’m writing, but for all my fellows, so you go towards Faith and Love for God and The Holy Mary, and for our fellows.
    With Love Maria.

    This is what happened in Portugal

  4. #14
    Original article:
    Nibiru! At 2 o’clock Nibiru Arrives! (or it comes, double meaning word in romanian)
    Alternate title: Nibiru! Nibiru comes at 2 o’clock! (I think more accurate)
    7th October 2017, time 7:52!
    My Darlings,
    This morning, being awake, I hear a voice that says something about Planet X – Planet Nibiru!
    -------picture insert------
    I hear a voice that says this:
    “NIBIRU !
    Nibiru comes at 2 o’clock!
    Their NASA …!”
    And the voice stops

    In that moment, I see towards west a sky like in sunset, and down on the Earth (ground), I see a boy of about 9-10 years old, that points his finger towards that sunset sky. The boy was pointing towards the middle of the sky, like we would watch the Sun in the morning, at about 9/10 o’clock in summer time.
    The boy was already seeing something, because, I could see his wonder on his face but he also remained feezed pointing towards the sky.
    And I want to say to you my darlings, that’s the exact same position of Planet Nibiru, as I saw it while it was tumbling downwards, just touching the Earth with a deafening sound. Nibiru scratched the Earth but it didn’t hit it full on; it only passed by, it scratched it fast and very noisy. A terrifying sound.
    ----inserts, links for the previous visions of Nibiru, I will insert full translations for those as well ----
    Planet NEBIRA AND/OR PLANET NEBIRU? 2 planets with similar names?
    13th September 2017, Time: 11:30 !
    My Darlings,
    In this afternoon, while I was doing house choirs, I hear a voice that says something about Planet X, or as they call it as well, Planet Nibiru.
    But here it is my darlings, it seems that this voice it either does not agree with the name given by the scientists, or there is another planet undiscovered by now with the name:
    “ Planet Nebira!”
    Another voice asks in wonder:
    In that moment, I see a room without ceiling, and a person (man) very tall, points at the sky.
    At the moment that he points toward the dark (nightly) sky, says with a loud voice:
    “NEBIRA !
    Planet NEBIRA!”

    In that moment I see the Planet NEBIRA, blueish on the side, and the rest was a dens black.
    ----picture insert---
    Everything was darkish, black, and the shape of planet NEBIRA was perfectly round.
    Dear friends, the question of that voice: “TWO?” it makes us think about the previous message, in which it talked about two earthquakes, or the message from today in which we could think that’s about 2 planets.
    The first would be Planet Nibiru, and the second, Planet NEBIRA!
    Here is the link with the previous message, regarding Planet Nibiru!
    ( Original article:
    Will translate after the end of this article)
    Dear friends, what will be will be! This messages that I receive with the blessings of the Holy Ghost, aren’t useless.
    What I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt, is the fact, that the Good God and The Holy Mary Mother of God will protect the Earth!
    And His children, He will protect them according to their faith, according to the mercy and the good will they’ve showed to their fellows, the good deed they made towards the sufferings and the poor.
    If we want to inherit the Kingdom Of Heaven, we must respect and fulfill God’s Commands from and with love.
    Let’s not forget the 3 Devine Virtues:
    Faith, Hope and Love, virtues that show and pave the way to salvation for our souls.
    With Love, Maria!
    ------insert nor related to article --------------
    --------------end of translationfo the first link----------------------

  5. #15
    ----------------insert 2nd link on a nibiru vision-----------------------
    Original Article:
    Planet Nibiru! The WORLD end won’t end on 23rd September!
    Nighttime 11th – 12th September 2017, time 1:13!
    My darlings,
    Tonight, while I was writing here on the blog, I see my darling, behind me, towards south, I see a night sky, and on that sky, it descends like a “roller”, rolling amazingly, a Blue PLANET with grey lines, perfectly round.
    ----insert picture----
    This blue planet my darlings was a lot bigger then the planet Earth. When it came close to the Earth, then I realized how big it actually is.
    While Planet Nibiru was “rolling” (I think she is trying to say descending, there is no equivalent for that Romanian word used) like a “roller” I hear a loud noise similar to those UFOs that I often heard.
    A deafening buzzing, that was descending with planet Nibiru and it was getting louder as the Nibiru was getting closer, A deafening buzzing uninterrupted!
    I hear a voice my darlings, a voice that asks in wonder like this:
    “ Are there 2 earthquakes? “
    In that moment, I see this blue planet getting near Earth and it touched the south of planet Earth, it actually scratched with a loud noise, with a loud scratching sound, crossing in front of Earth.
    Then I hear again a voice:
    “Previous earthquake!”
    After that everything goes away!
    My friend after the message that I received, it seems that planet Nibiru, passed by Earth in a previous time, and it actually touched it, and in that moment a powerful earthquake took place.
    A voice tells me right now: “A global powerful earthquake!”
    And if one already happened what happens with the second that the message was referring to?
    Can it happen?
    And if so, does it mean that planet Nibiru will touch the Earth? But it depends on how strong this contact will be, and what earthquake will be produced from this contact with our Earth.

    The scientist (some Romanian and worldly researchers) picked as a date for this meeting between this 2 planets, September 23rd 2017.
    But I asure my friends that nobody knows the date nor the hour, nor the minute, when this planet will touch the Earth. Lets pray to the Good God and The Holy Mary Mother of God, to be healthy, strong in our faith and Love, and for the love of our fellows, to love our fellows like we love ourselves.
    Let’s not think about the end of the world, because this will not come.
    With Love, Maria.
    ---insert not related to article---
    ---end of translation for the second link, end of translation for both links---
    ----returning to the original article translation: ----
    ---insert 2 pictures---
    Dear friends, after all Nibiru reserves us some big surprises! Lets hope that nothing that bad will happen, as in, the whole planet to shake.
    Planet Nibiru Will Arrive!
    But it won’t destroy the Earth! It will pass by it, touching it, with a loud noise.
    My darlings, we will all see this Planet Nibiru, when it will arrive and it will pass by our planet Earth.
    2 O’clock! I wonder what’s country will this hour be of, and what day of witch month or year?
    Let’s not panic my darlings, because, Nibiru won’t destroy the Earth nor the entire life on Earth.
    God and The Holy Mary Mother Of God loves us, and then, we have to waith here on Earth, as in Romanian Earth, the second coming of Jesus Christ in the future 2nd New Jerusalem!
    With Love, Maria!
    ---Insert: 3 articles about vision of 2nd Jerusalem, maybe I will translate them at a later date, not related to main topic Nibiru---
    ---insert unrelated to the article---
    ----the end---

  6. #16
    Nibiru! Planet Nibiru is coming towards Earth!
    8 October 2017, TIME 17:23!
    My Darlings,
    In today’s afternoon, while I was writing here on the blog, I hear a voice that says something about Planet Nibiru.
    ---random picture to portray the vision for a better understanding---

    Look what the voice (spirit) says my darlings:
    NIBIRU IS COMING, at it will make a place for…!”
    And the voice doesn’t finish the sentence that it started.
    My darlings, as we know already, they don’t talk about Nibiru in the press anymore.
    The reason? Not even us understand it, but we can guess. I wrote about Nibiru before! Here are the links:

    ----------Romanian Links-----
    -----English Translation: Includes translation for the other inks----

    What I know about Planet Nibiru and Planet Nebira, is that this 2 planets will merge and will scratch the earth on the south side.

    ---random picture to portray the vision for a better understanding---

    Look my darlings, while I was writing here the words from above, I see a sky like fire towards south and on the ground on the pavement lots of fire, like a volcano.
    The pavement was boiling on fire like a volcano; The earth was boiling and it was covered on fire.
    A small car was on the road at the same time, it was moving, only that in front of it all hell break loose. Those in the car witch in front of it all hell break loose, had no chance left.
    Dear friends, I do not know if what I was showed with the car and the ground boiling, has to do with Nibiru. Could be from a Volcano that will erupt unexpectedly.
    The fact remains that Nibiru will continue it’s journey towards earth!
    But no matter what will happen, we shouldn’t be scared! God and Mary the Holy Mother of God loves us and They will protect us!
    With Love, Maria.

  7. #17
    Original Link:
    North Korea? Will a rocket make a Tsunami?
    30th September 2017, TIME: 5:23 in the morning!

    My Darlings,
    Tonight I had a sleepless night, I could say this with great joy, because a man well informed becomes stronger in his soul and goes to God and The Holy Mary Mother of God with all his strength.

    I received lots of DEVINE MESSAGES my darlings, with what awaits us in the future.

    Even if the messages are not on our liking, they have the purpose to steer us towards the Merciful God and The Holy Mary, so that our soul can be saved from eternal torment.

    I could see a night sky towards sunset, and from down on the ground I could see a cilindric object that leaves behind it 2-3 meters of intense fire.
    Like in this image:
    ---random picture to portray the vision for a better understanding---

    And within a blink of the eye, I see the earth covered in water, I see lots of dirty/brownish water and nothing from the houses or trees or people on earth.

    My dear friends, it is highly possible, that this nuclear test of North Korea in the Pacific Ocean, to produce extremely large floods.

    But look what a voice on my right side is telling me right now:

    “The test with the HYDROGEN BOMB, will produce a TSUNAMY! “

    Look my dears, the danger that awaits us all, the inhabitants of Planet Earth. It looks like North Korea really wants to test this Hydrogen Bomb, and I think they will. And from here there is not much untill a GLOBAL DISASTER!

    ----insert, a Romanian news article----

  8. #18
    Danger! Radioactive! Two Radioactive!
    12 October 2017, Time: 6:11 in the morning!

    My Darlings,
    This morning, being awake I hear a voice that says something frightening:
    “Danger! Radioactive!
    Two Radioactive…!”

    After, the voice says nothing anymore!
    My dear friends, unfortunately we will hear of a such warring situation; but lets hope it won’t be that bad, that it will not impact the population negatively.
    God and The Holy Mary loves us all altogether, and they won’t let us suffer nor loose us. Lets pray for this! Lets not forget to do good to those that do us wrong. Lets forgive with all our heart and forget the wrongs others did to us.

    Like the prayer “Our Father” says:
    “and forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us!”
    So lets do this for real my darlings!
    Lets forgive with all our heart, so the Good God and The Holy Mary will do the same for us!
    With Love, Maria!

  9. #19
    Original article:
    41000 Dead !? Los Angeles!
    June 9 2017, Time: 4:15 early morning!

    My Darlings,
    This morning a voice woke me up, that said something earthshaking!
    Here is what the first voice said:

    “But have you been there?!”

    And another voice continued:

    “Yes! I was and there are 41000 dead.”

    And the voice continues:


    My darlings it’s more then earthshaking.
    What could happen to Los Angeles, that could result in 41000 dead?

    I don’t know what to say, I am so sad and I have tears in my eyes, only thinking that 41000 people will just vanish, in longer or shorter time frame.

    Like it is written from above, from the Good God.

    My darlings, lets pray together for our brothers and sisters from Los Angeles, but also for world peace. If the good God and The Holy Mary will receive our prayers, spoken with our hearts and not only with our lips, then we might have a chance that this disaster will not take place.

    Lets search to be better, more merciful, to strengthen our faith, to forgive those that do us wrong, to dress the naked and feed the hungry.

    Lets go to the holy church brothers, at least on Sundays to the Holy Mass, and to live with our hearts and souls the Holy and Sanctified Mass.

    Lets confess darlings, to our priest, to receive the Holy and Sanctified Eucharist (not sure if this is the word)

    So that the most merciful God and The Holy Mary will help us, Amin!

    With Love, Maria!

  10. #20
    Big Cyclone, Of Red Color as Fire !
    13 September 2017, TIME 16:05 !
    --- random picture insert: --

    My Darlings,
    Look how all these messages are coming forward, about the disasters that are about to happen on Earth.
    While I was writing here on the blog, the previous article, I see on my right towards North, North-West, a Cyclone of reddish color. Just a little, like droplets, I could observe the colors grey-blue, in that intense red Cyclone. The Cyclone was big and of a living red, very bright and was twisting counter clock wise.
    Do not doubt my darlings, of all the things I write here!
    I’m the pen of the Holy Ghost, I have no power; Only with the power of the Holy Ghost I write.
    All the things you will read on this Blog “GOD EXISTS – CONFESSIONS (testimonials)!”, be convinced, that all will come true, they will fulfill at the time of God’s choosing, and not when man wants them to!

    ---random picture insert: ---

    My darlings, what does this red cyclone means, and where it will hit, I do not know. But unfortunately, we will hear of this fire like cyclone.

    Let’s pray to the Good God and The Holy Mary Mother Of God to protect us from all evil, from all troubles and suffering, Amin!

    With Love, Maria!

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