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  1. #21
    Aaron Gustaveson's Avatar

    10th Planet Grants Pass
    Humboldt County, Ca
    Quote Originally Posted by Liquidrob View Post
    Well, you have been training for only 3 months, you're at a non 10th planet school, they teach you the curriculum and you finally get to roll and go rubber guard and double bag? Or course someone would probably say something, lol

    You train at a school where the guy is a legend, they have a formula and a way to teach white belts and you immediately want to do your own thing whenever you get a chance it seems from reading your posts

    It would be the same if you were trying to berimbolo every time after 3 months
    You'd know better than me but he's brand new, been taught one armbar and was rolling, hes gonna try the things he's knows, No? He can't try what he doesnt know yet.

    Should he have stuck only to the one armbar that they taught him? (not sarcasm)

  2. #22


    Gracie Humaita Winnipeg
    Quote Originally Posted by Aaron Gustaveson View Post
    You'd know better than me but he's brand new, been taught one armbar and was rolling, hes gonna try the things he's knows, No? He can't try what he doesnt know yet.

    Should he have stuck only to the one armbar that they taught him? (not sarcasm)
    He should have probably at least tried that armbar a few times. out of Hespect.

    You know when you learn a technique in class, then you get in the position while rolling, and the guy doesn't go for the technique you just learnt? That shit makes me question a dude's intelligence.

  3. #23


    Head instructor 10th Planet Mobile
    Jeez Craig.

  4. #24
    HerbChao's Avatar

    Aspiring 10th Planet Fans/Alpha Tae Kwon Do
    New England
    You know when you learn a technique in class, then you get in the position while rolling, and the guy doesn't go for the technique you just learnt? That shit makes me question a dude's intelligence.
    If we play devil's advocate though, if we all just drilled/learned the same technique, doesn't it make sense it'll prob be a bit harder to hit while we roll?

    Personally, the way I approach learning (in my infinite wisdom of 4 years on the mats lol FWIW) is I def want to learn and understand what's shown in class, and then during the rolls I'll try to mix in that move along with some previous moves (or tech's I've seen on DVD). I think part of figuring out when you can try moves and on whom is an art that all of us have to figure out (for example, if I visit a new school and I see some of the folks are more "traditional" I'll typically tone down how much truck, leg locks, etc I'll play since I'm not sure where they may stand on those techs. But if I know the people a bit more and they're open minded, then I'll work for my fav moves but if I hit resistance I'll transition to something else (so they don't think I live and die off that one-two moves).

  5. #25


    The Forge BJJ
    Oklahoma City
    Quote Originally Posted by bobby rivers View Post
    Jeez Craig.
    I sorry

  6. #26
    gene k's Avatar

    10th Planet MTS
    I kinda feel like your game will evolve as you go. As a new guy in the beginning you're going to get caught a million times and will probably be on bottom/defense most of the time anyway, either bottom side, half guard, or mounted. So your defense/recovery stuff will come in time. You'll find out what works for you, where your weaknesses are and naturally will want to improve on them. Also you won't always get to play the game you want either (closed guard, rubber guard, mount, etc) because your opponents will keep you from getting to those positions, this will force you to work on other aspects of your jujitsu.

    So I feel like work on what you want (as you won't always get to anyway), but at the same time consciously branch out and experiment/work on passing, sweeping, etc. (other positions) -So do both.

    If you get to kung fu move again and cant get it under the chin for the gogo, try switching to the hazelette by using the crow bar (kung fu crowbar combo)The crowbar is page 175 of mastering the rubber guard. So far this has been pretty high percentage for me in the gi (blue belt).

    Also heres a vid of Eddie using the crowbar at 2:27-2:31 ish

  7. #27


    Melbourne, Australia
    I'm new here to this forum so take what I say with a grain of salt

    Look at it this way:
    The bluebelt is definitely trying to be helpful and 100% I can guarantee he is speaking from experience.
    Because EVERYONE as a beginner gets excited about trying to learn exotic moves as fast as possible - whether it be 10th Planet, Marcelo, 50/50, whatever .... - and eventually figures out that the basics are called 'the basics' for a reason.

    Doesn't mean you have to learn them first ....but you have to learn them eventually.
    Just thank him for taking the time to help you and say you're just having fun trying cool stuff and you're learning the basics in class as they teach them

  8. #28
    Aaron Gustaveson's Avatar

    10th Planet Grants Pass
    Humboldt County, Ca
    Quote Originally Posted by HerbChao View Post
    If we play devil's advocate though, if we all just drilled/learned the same technique, doesn't it make sense it'll prob be a bit harder to hit while we roll?
    Seems like that would occur to alot of people. Its rolling not drilling.

  9. #29
    Ric's Avatar

    Marcelo Garcia Academy, NYC
    The fastest way to make progress is to follow the program taught by your school. Trying to learn RG when your school is teaching something different isn't very logical and itt will absolutely slow your progress. Also, because people will consistently pass your weak, self taught RG, you won't be respected playing that game and you'll constantly hear that that game (RG) doesn't work.

    It makes more sense to work your school's curriculumn until at least blue belt, and then find a training partner at the school who wants to work RG and start drilling and practicing together. That way when you're trying your early attempts at RG and people are passing you, at least you can go to a more traditional technique and recover or tap them. That way, at least your training partners will respect you because they know the only reason they are passing your (Rubber) guard, is because you are working on something new.

  10. #30


    Ground Dwellers / 10thplanet Ronin
    Houston, Tx
    " At Lovato's we get 4 whitebelt strips, plus yellow, orange, and green. " How old are you? All the advices on here are on point, but it all depend on you. RG take discipline and dedication more than most techniques to be honest. I see so many people trying to play the RG game at tournament, but all they manage to do is throw their leg in the air and catch it and then they stop. When they are being smashed, they abandon ship and go back to traditional guard. Sometimes you have to take a few step backward to go forward. My daughter starts playing rubber guard when she was 10, after only 1.5 years of doing traditional jiu jitsu. At first she was getting smashed the same way as you are now. But we stuck with it and try to plug up the holes as it is being exposed. Little by little we start seeing improvement. But at the same time, we are also working on her basics. I've seen so many kids who been in jiu jitsu for 3-4 years and but yet they don't even know how to get out of guard. For us, everything is basic if you work them all at the same time. This is why the MTS is so valuable, Master Eddie has done all the research for you. Are you a Pro member? IF not, get on it.

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