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  1. #1
    Eddie Bravo's Avatar

    10th Planet HQ
    Los Angeles, CA

    EBR 86 featuring Richard Gage (A&E 911 Truth) & Jeff Glover

    Follow me on Instagram @eddiebravo10p

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  2. #2
    I can't wait for you and your old homie to talk metal next podcast! loving the return of EBR! Just one more, just one more, just one more

  3. #3
    LuT's Avatar

    Open Mat
    Quote Originally Posted by Humanfit View Post
    I can't wait for you and your old homie to talk metal next podcast! loving the return of EBR! Just one more, just one more, just one more
    Yeah man me too hope its soon.

  4. #4
    Good podcast and I was happy to hear you mention Dr.Judy Wood, hopefully one day she will make your podcast. Richard also mentioned the bioterror drill scheduled for NY 9/12...Very strange.

  5. #5


    10th Planet London
    Great podcast Eddie. You fellas broke it down perfectly for a layman like me. So many Tower 7 facts it made my head spin, and that was before you even started speculating

    Also that comment Richard made in passing about remote controlled/ substituted planes made me say WTF out loud... That is so mad I might have to look into it now, I'm kind of sad he didn't expand on that point


  6. #6
    Rudolph Giuliani talking about the biochemical attack drill scheduled for september 12th

  7. #7


    Here's one other thing that gives Dr Wood more credibility - while nanothermite is sort of consistent with what was found in the debris, research into nanothermites only began in the early 90s, and even as of 2002 was difficult and expensive to make.

    (wiki-um chloride)
    "A critical aspect of the production is the ability to produce particles of sizes in the tens of nanometer range, as well as with a limited distribution of particle sizes. In 2002, the production of nano-sized aluminium particles required considerable effort, and commercial sources for the material were limited.[2] Current production levels are now beyond 100 kg/month."

    (not that this alone would have prevented its procurement, it just adds to the already very high level of impracticality to nano thermite being the culrprit.)

    Plus the fact that the structures didnt come down in chunks as it should have, there wasnt sufficient evidence of cuts being made. Cuts usually make things fall into pieces, not disintegrate.

    Combined with the fact that the pyroclastic flows were cool...that is some straight up Hutchinson Effect shit right there.

    People like Gage have their hearts in the right place, but he doesnt have the technical be a JJ expert any more than he has the technical background to know how and why thermite does not consistently describe enough aspects of 911 to be a viable catalyst for the demolitions.

    James Fetzer had a great more technical rebuttal to the thermite idea

    where he stated a key factoid - that

    -----thermite, even in its nano form, unless combined with high explosives or another high-explosive mechanism, cannot be a high explosive.
    So if nanothermite is to be the “smoking gun” of 9/11, it would have had to have been combined with some form of high-power explosives or other high-explosive mechanism to do the job of bringing the buildings down. What was it combined with? By itself, nanothermite cannot have been the sole agent of demolition – it was only another “helper.” By itself, therefore, nanothermite cannot be “explosive evidence,” as AE911 Truth maintains.-----

    Dr Wood's explanation maintains consistency throughout this - those chips are WTC steel byproduct of the quasi-Hutchinson reaction that brought the towers down.

    Planes dont fly as fast as stated at the relatively high atmospheric pressure at sea level, so they werent doing any 500mph;
    Boeing patented their particular remote control tech before 911, but mil had been testing it since mid 80s at least;
    It was the only way the Israeli art student's art project could have been perfectly timed was with the remote control tech - those pics of them with the blasting cord piled high to the ceiling, and where they removed a window and put some temporary balcony up there, that was all in the impact zone - so those fkn stupid wiley coyote holes were the 'art project'
    Murray St engine matched 737 or KC-130, fuel inlets were of a design that was not present on any 767, ever;
    Trying to mimic the Pentagon trajectory and getting it anything close to like "what happened" rips the wings off (in-sim) of the industry standard bigass flight sim machines that replicate the whole damned cockpit;

    I've studied this a lot ever since ae911truth came out - that site is good, its a good starter to show people that the 911 commission report is false. But they by and large arent willing to open their minds up to what the data tells them, fully. Brookhaven national lab is ~70 miles to the east of the site. I wonder if the logs from 9-11 from Brookhaven might be classified?


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