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  1. #21


    Back from vacation
    Quote Originally Posted by VJ Bella View Post
    Being a fan and leaving normal comments are one thing...leaving sexist and degrading comments and being a jerk is another. If you would like me to leave a list of stupid comments you have left id be happy to but mostly everyone on here already knows your deal. did great...proud of you kid...

  2. #22


    Back from vacation

  3. #23


    Dark Horse SWA\10th Planet Bear DE
    I'm not gonna pay you any mind anymore man...we all know your deal. This is about Shelby an the awesome job she did an the heart she displayed. I'm not givin you any more attention that you don't deserve.

  4. #24
    Matthew Edlund's Avatar

    On the search
    New York
    Quote Originally Posted by 3rdeye View Post
    Tapping out, is in all reality saying that you surrender because you know the other person could either kill you or do serious bodily harm to you. For a boy who is just hitting puberty, and has an impressionable mind this feeling at the hands of a girl could cause serious psychological damage. You are who you are because of two things. One is nature, your specific roll of the dice DNA. The other is the physical reality that you exist in, which causes a direct effect of the structure and function of your brain. I was being a bit sarcastic when I said a boy that lost to a girl at such a young age would turn gay. However, that being said I do believe it is enviable that it will have an effect on him.

    Also, yes, yes, yes, I know there are many females that could tap me. However, I am a 28 year old man. I have already formed the basic essence of who I am as a person. I also do you say to guys wearing Jets hats, WTF man you don't play football? Can I not be a fan of the sport without training?
    Let me preface by admitting, I understand your argument and agree with your line of thought. The young, male mind is fragile.

    Now I BELIEVE that Jiu-Jitsu COMMANDS a higher understanding!

    It is all about cultivating the attitude that a Jiu-Jitsu Practitioner does not depend on gender. A person that studies Jiu-Jitsu is an opponent, competitor, training partner and above all else a "brother/sister in battle" (oss). There should be instilled, an impression that your opponent, no matter gender, should never be underestimated. It is the obligation of the teacher to ensure this. If a well intentioned, qualified teacher, can convey this message to a student prior to and upon a loss to a female competitor who still takes his own life then there should be an underlying mental issue to consider. Not everyone's mind is stable enough to take on the task of such a competitive sport.

    Some of the greatest adversaries in history have been women. The sniper battle between Carlos Hathcock and The Apache being a recent one during the Vietnam war era. He eventually got the better of her but not before she she made her mark. The only reason he was ordered to hunted her down was because of her PROVEN ability.

    "Never underestimate your opponent" is something every student should be forced to understand while being trained. It will ensure the ego is left at the door and that the student is of sound mind.

    (authors note: I started my Jiu-Jitsu training at 30 years old, 200lbs, 5'10'', and in good shape. I was and still am a FDNY Fire Fighter. No one's bitch by any means! The first day I got my ass kicked by a 14 year old kid who had been training for a little over a year. Ego...checked! Nice job Tommy. Thank you for being one of my greatest teachers)

    PS: I do feel that even though I understand your line of thought you present it with a slight...huh, bit of a douche bag tone. Just saying. I'll leave the comments about your pictorial rebuttals to everyone else that also thinks you're a dick.
    Last edited by Matthew Edlund; 04-04-2011 at 07:28 PM.

  5. #25


    Back from vacation
    Quote Originally Posted by VJ Bella View Post
    I'm not gonna pay you any mind anymore man...we all know your deal. This is about Shelby an the awesome job she did an the heart she displayed. I'm not givin you any more attention that you don't deserve.
    I am 10000% sportive of Shelby. This isn't about her. I broke down and watched the video. She is bad ass. A very solid blue belt in my opinion.

    To me this is about the kid that's life has forever changed due to the emotional stress he is going through.

  6. #26


    Back from vacation
    Quote Originally Posted by Matthew Edlund View Post
    Let me preface by admitting, I understand your argument and agree with your line of thought. The young, male mind is fragile.

    Now I BELIEVE that Jiu-Jitsu COMMANDS a higher understanding!

    It is all about cultivating the attitude that a Jiu-Jitsu Practitioner does not depend on gender. A person that studies Jiu-Jitsu is an opponent, competitor, training partner and above all else a "brother/sister in battle" (oss). There should be instilled an impression that your opponent, no matter gender, should never be underestimated. It is the obligation of the teacher to ensure this. If a well intentioned, qualified teacher, can convey this message to a student prior to and upon a loss to a female competitor who still takes his own life then there should be an underlying mental issue to consider. Not everyone's mind is stable enough to take on the task of such a competitive sport.

    Some of the greatest adversaries in history have been women. The sniper battle between Carlos Hathcock and The Apache being a recent one during the Vietnam war era. He eventually got the better of her but not before she she made her mark. The only reason he was ordered to hunted her down was because of her PROVEN ability.

    "Never underestimate your opponent" is something every student should be forced to understand while being trained. It will ensure the ego is left at the door and that the student is of sound mind.

    (authors note: I started my Jiu-Jitsu training at 30 years old, 200lbs, 5'10'', and in good shape. I was and still am a FDNY Fire Fighter. No one's bitch by any means! The first day I got my ass kicked by a 14 year old kid who had been training for a little over a year. Ego...checked! Nice job Tommy. Thank you for being one of my greatest teachers)

    Thank you for actually taking the time to hear out my point of view. I appreciate that Matt. All joking aside. That was well put, and I see your point. I do not fully agree, but I respect your view.

    because you are not a woman. I kid! I kid!

  7. #27


    Finney's in St. Louis! H.I.T. Squad in Granite City!
    St. Louis
    great video! i had a lotta fun watching it, I felt like i was one of those guys behind the camera... I caught myself shouting at my screen, "don't sweep that way, sweep the other way! you've got his post! sweep now! not that way!!!" lol thanks for the upload.

  8. #28
    Matthew Edlund's Avatar

    On the search
    New York
    Quote Originally Posted by 3rdeye View Post
    Thank you for actually taking the time to hear out my point of view. I appreciate that Matt. All joking aside. That was well put, and I see your point. I do not fully agree, but I respect your view.
    because you are not a woman. I kid! I kid!

    Check my edit and my PS:

    "PS: I do feel that even though I understand your line of thought you present it with a slight...huh, bit of a douche bag tone. Just saying. I'll leave the comments about your pictorial rebuttals to everyone else that also thinks you're a dick."
    Last edited by Matthew Edlund; 04-04-2011 at 07:28 PM.

  9. #29


    Back from vacation
    Quote Originally Posted by Matthew Edlund View Post
    Check my edit and my PS:

    "PS: I do feel that even though I understand your line of thought you present it with a slight...huh, bit of a douche bag tone. Just saying. I'll leave the comments about your pictorial rebuttals to everyone else that thinks you're a dick."
    come on? The Joey Diaz one is kinda funny? I am just expressing my opinion. It just happens to have hit a nerve for some reason. I am not sure why. I know there were plenty of people on here who were upset over the boy in Iowa being forced to forfeit his shot at state because he was to face a girl.

  10. #30
    Matthew Edlund's Avatar

    On the search
    New York
    You're not sure why? Really?

    It's all about the presentation. Honestly, how pissed are you for me calling you a dick in a public forum? Doesn't seem like you really are. Presentation my friend. The argument (actual facts/intent) is 10% of the discussion. The other 90% is the presentation. Take a nasty shit and spray some Lysol it just smells like shit aaaaand roses. But at least it doesn't smell like all shit!
    Last edited by Matthew Edlund; 04-04-2011 at 07:17 PM.

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