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  1. #101


    Ronin (10thP Rochester roots)
    Boston, MA
    Quote Originally Posted by bobby rivers View Post
    Andrew. I think you are probably still reading this thread. I am speaking directly to you. Please take this criticism as constructive.

    You are what is known as a "pussy". I am not trying to emasculate or degrade you by any means. I am using this term under its most literal function by its abstract definition. I came to this conclusion when you repeatedly questioned the structure and ones ability to learn under said conditions. You have never truly trained and when you were first introduced to real training you tattled on the nets like a "pussy". Go back to the gym, shut up, and train. That is how those that are better than you got there. Good luck man.
    Great advice.

  2. #102

  3. #103
    Xuan Panda's Avatar

    10th Planet Chi-Raq - 10PSOG
    Check Your Six.
    ^^^... what he said.

  4. #104


    Iron Fist Gym
    Ohio / Kentucky
    Best thread I have read in awhile

  5. #105


    Fighter Factory New Zealand
    The whole situation is ridiculous. I have nothing but good things to say about John. He is a superb coach, a mad grappler and, above all, a really awesome dude. The environment in the gym is awesome, the dudes are more than just training partners, and if HOMMANDO wanted to take it easy, he could have just asked. I was, and still am really, a complete beginner to Jiu Jitsu and the 10th planet system, and I have only ever been treated with complete respect and care for my lack of experience.

  6. #106

  7. #107
    Josh Passini's Avatar

    10th Planet Chicago
    Chicago, IL
    Quote Originally Posted by Scott Philips View Post
    +1 Thats good shit

  8. #108
    First of all, absolutely, I understand the need to defend your name and your school. And, I understand the want to defend your fellow teammates. Makes sense, for sure. But, seriously, Guys, why are you trying to ridicule this person? This dude quite obviously has some significant emotional and esteem issues. It took me a couple videos before I even figured out he didn't have some form of MR. Honestly, even considering the maximum amount of negative publicity he could possibly give to this branch of 10thP, this kid is still far worse off. I have to argue that this is a pretty clear case of should be taking the high road. Its a bummer when someone who doesn't have it all going for them resorts to attacking those that do. But, honestly, its way more of a bummer when those that do have it going for them come down on someone in this kid's condition. You guys all have the courage to train and get to experience the joy and beauty of this sport. Most of you are probably pretty capable of meeting romantic interests and dont have to name your online personas something like "ho master x." This kid is actually really, objectively sad. It lowers you to make fun of him.

    That said, it was really cool seeing just how many members of John's school came on here to defend him and assure the quality and lack of ego that goes on there. In a lot of ways, this kid's outburst is positive for your school. No one had a single actual negative thing to say about you. And, now, where many people hadn't heard of you, they sure have now. Its definitely true that, especially in these days, falsehood often manages to obfuscates the truth. But, in such tight and bonded communities like this, its situations like these that show the importance of positivity and the team.

    But yeah. Maybe leave that kid alone for now. He is probably reading all of this. And he is probably already hurting enough.

  9. #109


    Head instructor 10th Planet Mobile
    So you talk about him being mr like he's not reading this after saying he's probably reading this?

    Im from a different school of thought. I took everything you said into account before I made my post. Negative feedback is still feedback. Would it be better to ignore him completely or to throw him the proverbial bone? I think it is fair to let him know that his complaints are unwarranted and that he is not as fragile as he thinks. That if he was willing to push past fear and pain all of his fantasies that he vicariously lives through his youtube channel could be realized. He probably lacks discipline, commitment, and work ethic which causes him to get frustrated with and quit everything at the first sign of resistance to his preconceived notions. He needs to humble himself and gain proper perspective. This will ultimately enrich his life in more ways than on the mats. Im just trollin to change lives one post at a time.

  10. #110
    John Alighieri's Avatar

    10th Planet Riverside
    Riverside, CA
    Quote Originally Posted by bobby rivers View Post
    So you talk about him being mr like he's not reading this after saying he's probably reading this?

    Im from a different school of thought. I took everything you said into account before I made my post. Negative feedback is still feedback. Would it be better to ignore him completely or to throw him the proverbial bone? I think it is fair to let him know that his complaints are unwarranted and that he is not as fragile as he thinks. That if he was willing to push past fear and pain all of his fantasies that he vicariously lives through his youtube channel could be realized. He probably lacks discipline, commitment, and work ethic which causes him to get frustrated with and quit everything at the first sign of resistance to his preconceived notions. He needs to humble himself and gain proper perspective. This will ultimately enrich his life in more ways than on the mats. Im just trollin to change lives one post at a time.


    All I can say is that nobody wants to see him at the gym after what he did and I don't blame them! I personally don't want him training with us either. Unintentionally or not, the way he conducted himself is unforgivable! It could have been easily prevented if Andrew talked to me and raised his concerns about the way I teach but he decided to go public with it instead...
    The dude made a poor decision and now as a result he's not welcome at our gym.

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