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Thread: Back control...

  1. #21


    10th Planet Decatur
    I almost posted something about that earlier. The only times I feel I can get it, is as soon as I get their back before they tuck their elbows.. Or if I have a babyarm and Im going for the choke.. theyll grab for my wrist and I can snatch it then. And like I said.. these are white/blue belts in my class. Nobody exceptionally well versed :/

  2. #22
    Brent Smith's Avatar

    10th Planet Jiu Jitsu
    Medford, OR
    Honestly just keep playing with it. If its legit youll continue to get people with it and youll start getting higher belts with it as well. If its no good itll die off

  3. #23


    10th Planet Decatur
    Quote Originally Posted by Brent Smith View Post
    Honestly just keep playing with it. If its legit youll continue to get people with it and youll start getting higher belts with it as well. If its no good itll die off
    Thats kind of what I figured. I just wanted to play it safe.. Last time I thought i had stumbled across a move, I found out (months later) it was called the rubix cube and people had already made it 10x more awesome than the few things I could figure out from there on my own. So I figured Id ask around before I started trying to figure anything out on my own. Ill play with it for a bit, and if i figure anything out, Ill try to use it in some tournys so I can get some videos up. Thanks for your help though.

  4. #24


    Ronin (10thP Rochester roots)
    Boston, MA
    Sounds interesting. I'm not thinking I'd get that on HW's though.

  5. #25
    Brent Smith's Avatar

    10th Planet Jiu Jitsu
    Medford, OR
    Quote Originally Posted by bobby rivers View Post
    I'm not sure who's lettin you wrap them up like that, but they need to keep their elbows tighter and own that shit.
    Who just lets their opponents do things? I know each time Ive been submitted or put into a comprosising position I didnt just let it happen. Its all about the set up. If he doesnt let you do it, you trick them into it or capitalize on a mistake.

  6. #26
    Brent Smith's Avatar

    10th Planet Jiu Jitsu
    Medford, OR
    Quote Originally Posted by chronic_jiujitsu View Post
    Thats kind of what I figured. I just wanted to play it safe.. Last time I thought i had stumbled across a move, I found out (months later) it was called the rubix cube and people had already made it 10x more awesome than the few things I could figure out from there on my own. So I figured Id ask around before I started trying to figure anything out on my own. Ill play with it for a bit, and if i figure anything out, Ill try to use it in some tournys so I can get some videos up. Thanks for your help though.
    Def share the wealth if you come up with a system off of it

  7. #27


    10th Planet Decatur
    Quote Originally Posted by Brent Smith View Post
    Who just lets their opponents do things? I know each time Ive been submitted or put into a comprosising position I didnt just let it happen. Its all about the set up. If he doesnt let you do it, you trick them into it or capitalize on a mistake.
    Speaking of set ups.. I was at work today thinking about this, and wondered if it might be practical to get while going from an arm drag to the back.. If you can pull the arm into the "pocket", all youd have left is to reach across and underhook when you take their back.. and youre pretty much there. (At least in my head. Ive yet to try). The only think Im not sure about is when you take the back.. if it would be practical to keep your hand around their tricep (or deeper if possible).. Maybe not.. but i plan on finding out monday :P (Next time I have jiujitsu class)

    Quote Originally Posted by David Rosado View Post
    Sounds interesting. I'm not thinking I'd get that on HW's though.
    Thats actually kind of what I was thinking too. I like Marcellos concept of "if it wont work on bigger opponents, then might as well spend your time practicing things that do".. But then again, I havent tried on anyone really big yet. So who knows. I have noticed with the kids between 155-175, I tend to naturally drift more towards their side rather than square with their back. (Im 135) And that makes my grip/control feel a bit more secure. But who knows.. :P

  8. #28


    Head instructor 10th Planet Mobile
    Quote Originally Posted by Brent Smith View Post
    Who just lets their opponents do things?
    White belts and wrestlers. Chronic knows where I'm comin from. It is not a negative statement and I would love to be proved wrong. What was described sounds like it can only be obtained with poor fundamental defense or by being waay stronger than the guy.

    I agree, if you can develop it. Props. IMO I don't see this happening to high level competitors. Which is what I focus my training toward.

  9. #29


    10th Planet Decatur
    Quote Originally Posted by bobby rivers View Post
    White belts and wrestlers. Chronic knows where I'm comin from. It is not a negative statement and I would love to be proved wrong. What was described sounds like it can only be obtained with poor fundamental defense or by being waay stronger than the guy.

    I agree, if you can develop it. Props. IMO I don't see this happening to high level competitors. Which is what I focus my training toward.
    If i wasnt looking for critique I wouldnt have asked for it :P And I know exactly what youre saying. Theres been MANY times Ive tried something out and it felt like I was doing great with it.. Just to find out later I was only getting away with it because I was going against people who didnt have great defense. (Brandon Mac shut down a move I thought I figured out simply by having good posture.) Thats whats so great about this site. Theres no 10th planet gyms around here.. And not really any great practitioners.. So instead of getting away with my mistakes.. I can just come on here and seek advice from a lot of people with a lot more knowledge than me. For now, Ill just keep working at it and then during the next competition, try it out. If it works, Time well spent.. If not, I still had fun toying around with it :P

  10. #30


    Head instructor 10th Planet Mobile
    That's jiu jitsu. Always loved your attitude. I'm rootin for ya.

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