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  1. #41
    Quote Originally Posted by Ethan Coghill View Post
    Do you see a chiropractor? That would be MY first advice (A good one lol). It's weird how you get the numbness and pain when you get yourself into good posture. Pain and weakness in the neck can come from subluxation in the thoracic or lower parts in your spine. Crazy how the body has to work as a whole, and one little tweak somewhere else can lead to problems in another part of the body.
    any other problems, anywhere else on you?
    Thanks Ethan but i am based out of india. No chiros here. This class of injury is pretty poorly understood here.

  2. #42
    Quote Originally Posted by Joe Friday View Post
    Remember when I injured my brachial plexus region? Actually, I don't think we knew each other then. Anyway, I kept getting on the mat, ignoring the numbness/pain. Next thing I knew was that my right tricep and right pectoral had atrophied away to nothing. I had to go through PT and lots of rest. I will still get weird "jolts" that will shoot down my arm if I move my head in a funny way.
    Go get it checked out and be more careful getting out of bed.
    Joe can you describe the tests you got done and the PT you did? Every bit helps. I am in a place where i have to literally be my own medic as the science of addressimg brachial plex injuries is not widespread. I could take your regime tho to a doc and have him see if it works for me.

  3. #43
    Quote Originally Posted by akash View Post
    Thanks Ethan but i am based out of india. No chiros here. This class of injury is pretty poorly understood here.
    BTW my injury occurred after i took a dive headfirst off a bike at around 30 mph. Fractures on the face but this stuff persisted and is literally a huge quality of life issue.

  4. #44
    Brandon Mccaghren's Avatar

    10th Planet Decatur and 10th Planet Muscle Shoals
    Decatur, AL
    Quote Originally Posted by akash View Post
    Wow! Did they tell you what the issue was?? Slipped disc or disc bulge and how did they detect it and at what levels? Wish you a good recovery.
    I had an Anterior Cervical Disc Fusion at C6-C7. I also had a massive bone spur shaved off of C7.
    "The lockdown is not the 10th Planet gospel; an open mind is the 10th Planet gospel."
    - Amir Allam

    Please stop by and check out my site

  5. #45
    Anthony Peck's Avatar

    10th Planet JJ Melbourne
    Melbourne, Australia
    Quote Originally Posted by Brandon Mccaghren View Post
    So everybody here uses chiro? I have been in the past, and it helped some with a different injury. I hear everything from they are quacks to they are miracle workers. I'm sure the truth is somewhere in the middle.

    Please share your chiro experiences, good or bad.

    Sent from my iPad using Forum Runner
    I go every week like clockwork for preventative, it's made a huge difference for me. Less pain, better range of motion.

  6. #46


    10th Planet Decatur
    Decatur, Alabama
    Quote Originally Posted by akash View Post
    Joe can you describe the tests you got done and the PT you did? Every bit helps. I am in a place where i have to literally be my own medic as the science of addressimg brachial plex injuries is not widespread. I could take your regime tho to a doc and have him see if it works for me.
    It's been quite a few years ago. It was late 2005 if my memory serves me correctly. I went to a orthopedic surgeon named Stacy Tapscott. From what I've heard he's an expert in shoulders. He had a nerve conduction test done which showed that I had nerve damage in my brachial plexus region. Like I said in my previous post, I had continued to ignore the symptoms. I kept aggravating it on the mat. I remember how upset I was during my PT evaluation. The therapist setup ten pounds on the machine for me to bench press using only my affected side. I could not even budge it. That's how bad off i was. Guess that's what happens when your chest is built like Tra Telligman's.
    I am not comfortable trying to tell you what exercises I did. First of all because I don't want to give you poor advice. Secondly, I can't remember in detail the exercises I did.
    The PT helped. Staying off the mat helped. Afterwards, whenever I felt like I got hurt I would wait to heal up, then wait a little longer before getting back on the mat.

  7. #47
    Quote Originally Posted by Brandon Mccaghren View Post
    I had an Anterior Cervical Disc Fusion at C6-C7. I also had a massive bone spur shaved off of C7.
    Hi Brandon - I have had similar symptoms (Numbness / tingling in my right hand, and weakness) since May. Chances are if your issue is anything like mine you probably have a herniated disc at c6 / c7 and it's pushing on the nerve. I had multiple x-rays, surgical consults, and a MRI to confirm the issue.

    After consulting 2 surgeons both of which recommended surgery... I decided to go the less invasive option and have steroid injections into the epidural space next to the disc to reduce the inflammation, which will hopefully allow it to heal on it's own.

    In addition to the injection I also have been going to a chiropractor 3x / week who has me doing 40 minutes of standing neck traction and other exercises daily to help.

    I'm not 100% yet but I am back on the mats with less numbness and almost back to full strength.

    If I can help in any way please let me know.

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