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  1. #1


    We Are Ronin (Near Koblenz, Germany)

    living in a simulation
    dang, someone want to copy his jj onto my flashdrive?

  2. #2
    Jon Watkins's Avatar

    Summit City Submissions
    Fort Wayne
    This Philip K. Dick speech from 77 always hits me with this familiar uneasy feeling.
    "How did Ricardo Arona get in my guard? Maybe he took me down, it doesn't matter, maybe I just woke up one morning and Ricardo Arona was in my guard. Here's what I'm gonna do." - Mario Sperry

  3. #3
    Philip K Dick's speech is about a simulation that gets altered along the way, leaving the actors in it with some residual memories and/or deja-vu. Which is what he tells of having experienced.

    Bostrom's theory - which Elon Musk is talking about in the first video - is different.

    Bostrom says that: imagine first that humans don't wipe each other out or otherwise go extinct (nearby supernova, anyone) and keep developing technologically.

    At some point in the future, humans would have enough computing power - say even something planet-sized - to simulate millions (billions) of human beings, each with thoughts, feelings, interactions.

    So, if our descendants have that computing power, then they might be interested in running ancestor simulations.

    If that is the case, then there could be millions (or more) of these simulations. if that is the case, then it is exceedingly likely that we are living in one of the simulations and not in "real" life.

    Of course, there are a lot of ifs. Can consciousness be simulated? Would our descendants want to or even bother running ancestor simulations - what for? There are moral questions about running such simulations - each simulation generates tremendous suffering, starvation, murder, etc that is indistinguishable from reality for the participants.

    I think these are interesting academic exercises, but unless we figure out how to "leave the Matrix", if there even is one, then we are stuck here (ie either in real life or in a simulation, can't tell), in which case, might as well make the best of it and be the best version of yourself.

  4. #4
    Jon Watkins's Avatar

    Summit City Submissions
    Fort Wayne
    I see nothing in your explanation that says these theories cannot intertwine. Plugging the Bostrom Theory into Valis seems quite possible to me.
    "How did Ricardo Arona get in my guard? Maybe he took me down, it doesn't matter, maybe I just woke up one morning and Ricardo Arona was in my guard. Here's what I'm gonna do." - Mario Sperry

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Jon Watkins View Post
    I see nothing in your explanation that says these theories cannot intertwine. Plugging the Bostrom Theory into Valis seems quite possible to me.
    Maybe they can. I haven't really read a lot on these topics. Presumably, though, each Bostrom simulation runs independently - with no interaction between separate simulations.

  6. #6
    Jon Watkins's Avatar

    Summit City Submissions
    Fort Wayne
    A simulation being altered does not rely on interaction with other simulations. If say you remember the children's book being spelled Berenstein Bears it is possible that you have at some point jumped into a parallel simulation, the simulation you are living has been altered, you read a knock off version of Berenstain Bears as a child, or perhaps you smoked too much pot throughout your live and your memory is skewed...or perhaps there is a variable I have not considered.
    "How did Ricardo Arona get in my guard? Maybe he took me down, it doesn't matter, maybe I just woke up one morning and Ricardo Arona was in my guard. Here's what I'm gonna do." - Mario Sperry

  7. #7
    Eddie Bravo's Avatar

    10th Planet HQ
    Los Angeles, CA
    IF we live in a simulation then what is outter space?
    Follow me on Instagram @eddiebravo10p

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  8. #8
    Jon Watkins's Avatar

    Summit City Submissions
    Fort Wayne
    From what I recall, most simulation theories propose the entire universe is a simulation.
    "How did Ricardo Arona get in my guard? Maybe he took me down, it doesn't matter, maybe I just woke up one morning and Ricardo Arona was in my guard. Here's what I'm gonna do." - Mario Sperry

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by Jon Watkins View Post
    From what I recall, most simulation theories propose the entire universe is a simulation.
    ridiculous extrapolation based upon the fact that all things have mathematical explanations.

    just because the conformal perspective exists doesnt mean there's.....nevermind

  10. #10
    Jon Watkins's Avatar

    Summit City Submissions
    Fort Wayne
    Quote Originally Posted by Coonehh View Post
    ridiculous extrapolation based upon the fact that all things have mathematical explanations.

    just because the conformal perspective exists doesnt mean there's.....nevermind
    It is ridiculous to assume that the universe is a simulation if we are living in a simulation or it is ridiculous to think perhaps we are livng in a simulation?
    "How did Ricardo Arona get in my guard? Maybe he took me down, it doesn't matter, maybe I just woke up one morning and Ricardo Arona was in my guard. Here's what I'm gonna do." - Mario Sperry

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