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  1. #31


    DZ BJJ
    We Live In An Eyeball - Kron Gracie
    Quote Originally Posted by SebG View Post
    So what is your problem with non-euclidean geometry? I take you have a a high level understanding of mathematics and are going to blow wide open the last several centuries of map-making?

    We can hypothesise that the Earth is flat, or a bowl, or whatever shape. And we can make predictions based on that hypothesis. And then we can make measurements and determine if those predictions are correct. Distances between cities corresponding to pairs of latitude lines are equal. Doesn't work if the Earth is a disc/bowl.

    Astronomers have been studying the heavens for centuries and especially since the invention of the telescope have been able to observe planets and their moons and the motions of those extraterrestrial objects.

    All of those observations are consistent with the Earth and the other planets orbiting the sun. We can use Newton's Laws of Gravity - to a first approximation - to make predictions about the orbits consistent with what is observed.

    We have studied magnets for hundreds of years and understand how they work. This helps us understand how/why the Earth has a magnetic field and why Mars does not. Earth's magnetic field helps protect the atmosphere from being eroded by the solar wind, unlike what has happened to Mars. How's the Earth's magnetic field supposed to be generated dna dmatch what we observe if the Earth is a disc/bowl?

    You've linked to 3 hours of youtube videos but you still haven't actually said anything to state your understanding.
    A small group of people have managed to obtain a significant amount of funds for very insignificant things. I can not think of a bigger revelation or endevour then determening what object we are on (Assuming you do not automatically redicule the notion of a flat earth). Why dont the millions of believers of flat earth, chip in a dollar eatch and start an expedition to the antarctic where they can attempt to find the game of thrones ice wall?.

  2. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by MrPink92 View Post
    A small group of people have managed to obtain a significant amount of funds for very insignificant things. I can not think of a bigger revelation or endevour then determening what object we are on (Assuming you do not automatically redicule the notion of a flat earth). Why dont the millions of believers of flat earth, chip in a dollar eatch and start an expedition to the antarctic where they can attempt to find the game of thrones ice wall?.
    Mr Pink. There aren't millions. I'm sure there's only a few thousand at most. Probably not even 10. However, I agree with you that if they were interested in truth then they could do their own proper scientific experiments or their own expeditions - the only experiment i have seen are poor efforts on Youtube to replicate the Bedford Level Experiment, which was done almost 200 years ago and which actually shows a globe Earth and disproves flat Earth, when done correctly - that is, do the experiment at 0.5m above the water, get refraction. Do the experiment 4m above the water, show Earth curvature.

    I watched a random 30 second clip of one of the linked videos. The presenter claimed there must be a dome to keep the Earth's atmosphere in, otherwise the pressurised atmosphere would equslise with the vacuum of space and dissipate into space.

    This is s prediction of flat /disc Earth which doesn't match what we measure in nature.

    In nature, the Earth's atmosphere does not have the same "equalised" pressure everywhere. At higher altitudes, atmospheric pressure is lower.
    Last edited by SebG; 03-02-2018 at 07:12 AM.

  3. #33
    LuT's Avatar

    Open Mat
    So the higher you go air bleeds out and becomes vacuum and that is proof of...?

    You know that the sky is a dome shaped when you look up so all the modern parallels and meridians could work as regular even if the Earth is Flat.
    We live on a bowl.

    "this isn't bread crumbs and horseshit" - AJ

    "Come out, come out, pu$$y you can't hide from a war" - 50 cent

  4. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by LuT View Post
    So the higher you go air bleeds out and becomes vacuum and that is proof of...?

    You know that the sky is a dome shaped when you look up so all the modern parallels and meridians could work as regular even if the Earth is Flat.
    You linked to a video that claims that there is a solid barrier between the Earth and outer space.

    So explain more to us about this barrier.

  5. #35
    LuT's Avatar

    Open Mat
    Quote Originally Posted by SebG View Post
    You linked to a video that claims that there is a solid barrier between the Earth and outer space.

    So explain more to us about this barrier.
    You wanted explanations about science i provided the video you didnot watch it and want me to explain you want me to be your teacher or your daddy?
    We live on a bowl.

    "this isn't bread crumbs and horseshit" - AJ

    "Come out, come out, pu$$y you can't hide from a war" - 50 cent

  6. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by LuT View Post
    You wanted explanations about science i provided the video you didnot watch it and want me to explain you want me to be your teacher or your daddy?
    of course, we are here to be schooled by you. Perhaps we are making progress. After 4 pages you are going to explain something to us...

    The presenter in the video said that a gas will expand to fill the container it is placed in.

    Supposedly, this is the reason that the Earth's atmosphere cannot be exposed to the vacuum of space. The Earth's atmosphere would equalise pressure with the vacuum of space and a solid barrier is needed to keep the atmosphere in.

    Now you are saying that the barrier is not solid because "air is bleeding out".

    So which is it - a solid barrier or a not solid barrier to keep the atmosphere in?

  7. #37
    LuT's Avatar

    Open Mat
    Quote Originally Posted by SebG View Post
    of course, we are here to be schooled by you. Perhaps we are making progress. After 4 pages you are going to explain something to us...

    The presenter in the video said that a gas will expand to fill the container it is placed in.

    Supposedly, this is the reason that the Earth's atmosphere cannot be exposed to the vacuum of space. The Earth's atmosphere would equalise pressure with the vacuum of space and a solid barrier is needed to keep the atmosphere in.

    Now you are saying that the barrier is not solid because "air is bleeding out".

    So which is it - a solid barrier or a not solid barrier to keep the atmosphere in?
    You are saying that i just gave you a video to look and a guy to argue with and you started arguing with me.
    We live on a bowl.

    "this isn't bread crumbs and horseshit" - AJ

    "Come out, come out, pu$$y you can't hide from a war" - 50 cent

  8. #38
    Haha. You're telling the story.

    That's if you have actually story to tell. So far all you've got is:

    'go and watch these videos that explain everything. Oh no, I don't believe what that guy says, don't expect me to explain to you what he's talking about'

  9. #39
    LuT's Avatar

    Open Mat
    Quote Originally Posted by SebG View Post
    Haha. You're telling the story.

    That's if you have actually story to tell. So far all you've got is:

    'go and watch these videos that explain everything. Oh no, I don't believe what that guy says, don't expect me to explain to you what he's talking about'
    Dont quote stuff that i never said. You wanted to talk and argue to a natural scientist i provided your guy.
    You said nothing about my points i mentioned before about the math stuff.
    Im not gonna go theory to theory with you cus like i said im not your daddy i dont have plans to be your teacher and you obviously got a hard on for me of some sort and i dont roll that way so... go speak to the guy in the videos im sure he will answer all your pretty questions he has a weekly q&a from what i can recall.
    We live on a bowl.

    "this isn't bread crumbs and horseshit" - AJ

    "Come out, come out, pu$$y you can't hide from a war" - 50 cent

  10. #40
    LuT, I apologise if you feel I have misquoted you. We can discuss this in the forum or PM if you wish.

    I confess to being somewhat disappointed. No hard-ons on this side of the keyboard though. I am disappointed because I thought you are actually interested in facts. Now it appears you show that you are not.

    If you have explained anything then I must have blinked and missed it. All we have from you is snide hints about non-Euclidean geometry. But no explanation.

    Mainstream science explains everything about a globe Earth in a consistent and logical way. Many of these phenomena can be investigated by high school students or anyone with an ounce of will and effort. A few are listed below.

    By all means, be curious about the world. Question what people tell you. Question mainstream science. Do your own experiments.

    Above all, ask questions of non-globe Earthers...

    * The star field in the night sky is completely different in the northern and southern hemispheres. I live downunder and we see the "Southern Cross" (a pattern of stars). I've been to Europe and there is no Southern Cross.
    * Sunset can be seen twice at the same place on the same day - once from ground level and then again if you catch an elevator to the top of a tall building. For example, the Burj Khalifa, which is even better since there is a glass elevator and you can see the sun set, rise a bit and then set again as you travel upwards.
    * Bedford Level Experiment.
    * Foucault's Pendulum.
    * Henry Cavendish gravity experiment - this is high school level.
    * Centre of gravity of the Earth. Pulls everyone towards the Earth's centre, no matter where we are on the planet's surface. Wouldn't be the case if the Earth would be non-globe. For proof of gravity, see Cavendish experiment above.

    There are lots of others. A few more below. All of these phenomena can be tested by anyone who is interested. NONE of these phenomena are explained by non-globe Earthers of if they do it is not done in a consistent, logical way.

    * Timezones.
    * Seasons.
    * Tides.
    * Using a telescope to follow the orbit of Venus, Mars and the other planets around the sun. Cassini and others did this over 300 years ago - with far inferior telescopes to what any of us can go down the road and buy today. Those astronomers were then able to work out the distances of the planets to the sun. So as well as watching those globe-shaped planets rotate you can also work out their orbital distance from the sun.
    * Solar eclipses.
    * Lunar eclipses.
    * Magnetic compass.
    * Cosmic radiation.
    * Variation of air pressure with altitude. Wouldn't be the case if the Earth was enclosed in a dome.
    * The fact that the behaviour of a gyroscope is dependant on latitude. If one understands the Maths this is clear evidence that the Earth is round and that it rotates.
    * The Sagnac interferometer (a type of laser-based gyroscope). Same phenomenon as mechanical gyroscope.

    All of these phenomena can be tested by ANYONE who is interested. NONE of these phenomena are explained by non-globe Earthers in a consistent, logical way.

    By all means, be curious about the world. Question what people tell you. Question mainstream science. Do your own experiments.

    Above all, ask keen questions of non-globe Earthers...
    Last edited by SebG; 03-04-2018 at 04:29 AM.

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