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  1. #1


    Midwest Training Center - home of Mike Lullo
    Schaumburg IL

    Hello introduction sorry if i'm breakin forum rules

    Hello everyone just introducing myself. my name is christopher hatten and i'm from schaumburg illinois. I train at midwest training center which is the same place mike lullo trains at. Also i'm fairly certain clay guida came out of it also. I was an accounting student at the university of illinois urbana champaign when i went into a manic episode after getting addicted to JWH-018 a synthetic THC. I didnt smoke spice or k2, i smoked the white powder over a lil green. then all of a sudden its like all the barriers i had placed in my life(my 340 pound weight) and other social problems just began to melt away. In my manic state i traveled around campus carrying 3 things, 1. a container of almonds pecans walnuts and granola. 2. a water container. and 3. the book of knowledge that i got from costcos.

    I wrote in this book for 5 days and walked until i was limping everywhere due to blisters on my feet, i slept at different libraries throughout the campus. In the book of knowledge i wondered why religion WHY?! and i thought, duh philosphy counters religion, so i looked to who hated catholics. Soren Kierkegaard, who was conveniently next to schopenhauer in the book. kierkegaard states there are 3 phases of existence we all live through. 1. material - sex drive 2. ethicial longterm satisfaction vs shorterm gratification and 3. fear of dying alone which is when most people turn to religion. now here is where schopenhauer fits in he believed in "the world as a will" ie societal negative programming, and that prevents people from entering into MY NEW FOUND phase 4. of permanent happiness where you have the motivation to do whatever it is you really fucking want to do. and in this state i recognized the 6th sense of empathy the third eye.

    I kinda am well.... a.... virgin so by smoking jwh for so long i kinda bypassed the 1st 2nd and 3rd phase and experienced a "near death experience" when i recognized i was addicted to this stuff, and once i was out i drank a couple 4locos started shouting to my roomates i'm a junkie and from there went into my manic state.

    in the end i'm bipolar and the one thing that calms me down is martial arts. i'm sure youve all watched the bruce lee lost interview, bringing control and instinct together in harmony makes me happy. however now that i'm homebound, no cannabis, and still never a gf or anything the only time i'm most genuinely happy is when i'm at MTC. I love my family but theyve put limits on me.

  2. #2


    Midwest Training Center - home of Mike Lullo
    Schaumburg IL
    Oh another thing. I'm the first documented case of JWH-018 abuse in america. I smoked till i passed out, woke up ate drank pissed, smoked till i slept. for about 3 weeks, and i was still goin to classes and was doin fine in school. Society caught me and institutionalized me when I tried to reach out and help out my canadian Audit professor who was blatantly teaching class high as balls. I mean if you never smoked weed you wouldnt know but he was high as balls and so i skipped his exam and then made an appointment with him. and shit just didnt work out, i mean i wrote down the steps of what i was gonna say to drop his reservations of my being there. i said 1. I'm dropping out of college, 2. i'm not here to suck your dick. 3. is there a recording device in this room(to which he opened the door) and 4. smoking action.. he just started crying asking me why i was doing "this" and tried to push me away to a therapist, but thats not why i was there not for my help, for his help. and in this mess i ended up getting institutionalized which you can see on my avatar that orange band. that was my ID for 7 hellish days, but man i learned.

  3. #3


    Midwest Training Center - home of Mike Lullo
    Schaumburg IL
    oh yea, the 2nd voice, the society's voice, no longer exists in my head. only my thoughts now, and its hella nice to not feel pressure from society. i mean honestly i'm saying fuck you to society because theres no way i'm gonna be a big C corp accountant i'm gonna be a trainer, i'm gonna master different martial arts and have my own form of self expression which is martial arts as a whole. some people can paint some people can play specific sports real well. i want to master the human body, and jiu jitsu is like the base of the entire pyramid of fighting.

  4. #4
    How many activities come in an activity box?

  5. #5


    Charlotte Jiu Jitsu Academy
    Charlotte, NC
    I think you have a new friend Singlet.

  6. #6
    Jon Helton punches me in the groin!!!! Nooooooooooooooooo not my kind of guy to hang out with lol

  7. #7


    Granville, NEW YORK
    I tried reading this, then I asked myself "why am I reading this?" then I stopped. Just thought I'd share that.

  8. #8
    ^^^ lol yup

  9. #9


    Jean Jacques Machado JJ 'Team Juarez'
    Quote Originally Posted by JeffRace727 View Post
    I tried reading this, then I asked myself "why am I reading this?" then I stopped. Just thought I'd share that.
    same here...

  10. #10


    Roger Gracie Academy
    Hi Christoph I'm sorry for what have been through but there is saying I always like to remember. The Body and mind are one so when one attains mastery over the body he attains mastery over his mind. There are many movement disciplines that can help you achieve that. The key is commitment and focus and to stick with whatever it is you do whether it be BJJ, Kung-fu, Yoga, Tai-chi etc. Those disciplines practiced long term with dedication will be tremendously beneficial for your whole entire being.

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