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  1. #1

    Lockdown game at high levels

    I state immediately that I am a great admirer of the lockdown and in general of the half guard game of eddie that I love to use myself. Precisely for this reason I have always hoped to see it used at the highest levels in the best nogi competitions but as much as I tried, I very rarely managed to find guys who used this type of game in ADCC, nogi ibjjf world championships ecc. So I was very curious to know if there was a reason for this.

  2. #2
    Jon Watkins's Avatar

    Summit City Submissions
    Fort Wayne
    The mini stomp isn't easy to master. Tom DeBlass likes lockdown, but I can't think of any other big time instructors outside of 10th Planet that put any emphasis on it. Sweeps in general are in decline at the highest level of nogi. The top position has always been king, but I think passing and Jiu Jitsu players developing their wrestling has been an even more dominant theme in recent years. Just think about the point system alone. On top you have several scoring opportunities. On the bottom, you have the opportunity to score 2 points provided you can manage to maintain guard. Otherwise, you are mostly risking your opponent scoring on you.
    "How did Ricardo Arona get in my guard? Maybe he took me down, it doesn't matter, maybe I just woke up one morning and Ricardo Arona was in my guard. Here's what I'm gonna do." - Mario Sperry

  3. #3


    South Plainfield, NJ
    If you go back and watch some of Gary Tonons matches at EBI and FTW he uses it mostly for electric chair sweeps. He also did an electric stone into a heel hook finish.

  4. #4
    Jon Watkins's Avatar

    Summit City Submissions
    Fort Wayne
    Makes sense. Garry is Tom's first black belt.
    "How did Ricardo Arona get in my guard? Maybe he took me down, it doesn't matter, maybe I just woke up one morning and Ricardo Arona was in my guard. Here's what I'm gonna do." - Mario Sperry

  5. #5


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