Just one additional note: I find that hugging my knee gives me extra flexibility. By hugging the knee you force your hip to engage more fully, which in turn relieves pressure off the knee.
Pulling the foot is pulling the end of a lever, which ultimately stresses the knee joint in an unnatural way. Stretching is awesome and can stop that from being terribly problematic. But when you hug the knee you engage your flexibility above the fulcrum, before the lever even begins, and in a joint that is made to work in all directions. Think about the anatomy of the knee vs the anatomy of the hip. The hip is surrounded by muscle and is a ball and socket joint. The knee itself is virtually devoid of muscle and is made to work in one direction. I want my rubber guard to be built around my hips.
Pulling the foot is pulling the end of a lever, which ultimately stresses the knee joint in an unnatural way. Stretching is awesome and can stop that from being terribly problematic. But when you hug the knee you engage your flexibility above the fulcrum, before the lever even begins, and in a joint that is made to work in all directions. Think about the anatomy of the knee vs the anatomy of the hip. The hip is surrounded by muscle and is a ball and socket joint. The knee itself is virtually devoid of muscle and is made to work in one direction. I want my rubber guard to be built around my hips.