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  1. #51


    ninthlevelmma, goldsboro, nc
    goldsboro, nc
    as to daniel, if you doubt my fighting history, check ncdoc has to the various charges that were taken out against me as a result of people wanting to prove themselves by beating me. and all of you fail to realize that you keep talking about street fighting as hand to hand. once again, you fail to realize that there are other factors that figure the equation, whats with in my hands reach can and most likely will be a weapon, yes, I am a dirty son of a bitch. I'm not bashing jits at all, I love it and is why I am working very hard on this system, just from one old street fighter dude to you younger guys is dont get caught up in the hype. love your art and practice it passionately, for one day your life may depend on it. I am alive today for what I learned in kenpo karate. And people have tried to kill me, for I have been shot, I have been stabbed, I have been cut, and I have been beaten by a group of people on a number of occassions. Just keep your eyes open to some of the advantages of other styles as I showed neale from 10th planet lynchburg sat. we played back and forth and I showed him some of my stuff and his reply was, Quote, " I would just shoot you on that one." But I didnt go up there to prove any point, I WENT THERE TO LEARN 10TH PLANET BECAUSE I THINK IT IS THE HOTTEST THING GOING. AND NEALE WAS AWESOME IN HELPING ME TO TIGHTEN UP MY GAME. I HAD A BLAST, BLEW MY MOTOR ON THE WAY HOME HAD TO PAY A MASSIVE WRECKER BILL AND GUESS WHAT, I PLAN ON GOING BACK IN TWO WEEKS AND DO IT AGAIN. GUYS, I LOVE THIS SHIT AND ALL MARTIAL ARTS.

  2. #52


    ninthlevelmma, goldsboro, nc
    goldsboro, nc
    DANIEL, where is the life or death scenario in a gym with a guy standing there to break it up. really dude, have ever been in a fight outside a dojo or playground ever.

  3. #53


    Houston, Texas
    Quote Originally Posted by frank-theman-james View Post
    doc leamon stroud out of kinston nc. and I am not opposed to bjj as a defense, I am simply stating that it is not the king of martial arts, and for certain situations it is the most practical art to use. but anyone who has ever been in a fight for their life will tell you that if I willing take my opponant to the ground it greatly reduces my options if I find myself needing flee a deadly situation.

    I have never heard of him where did he get his black belt? Im just curious about your lineage since your beliefs are so different from the beleifs of those who created the system.
    formerly known as jmw0582

  4. #54


    Shawnee, KS
    Quote Originally Posted by frank-theman-james View Post
    but anyone who has ever been in a fight for their life will tell you that if I willing take my opponant to the ground it greatly reduces my options if I find myself needing flee a deadly situation.
    From the mount position you dictate how the fight plays out. If I want to take you down and then flee, well that's my option. Other than being stuck in closed guard, if you have the top and control of your own posture, escaping is as easy as standing up (against an untrained opponent).

  5. #55


    10thPlanet Oceanside
    Well Frank Ive actually been to Combat been a Marine for 10 years so I think I know something about life or death circumstances I respect your opinion but think the way your coming across is disrespectful Ill give you the benifit of the bout and say you dont realize it but honestly thats why people are coming down on you

  6. #56
    bluegrass conference which is va, nc, sc under nbl and ski rules.
    What exactly does this mean?

  7. #57


    ninthlevelmma, goldsboro, nc
    goldsboro, nc
    daniel thanks for your service to this country and I mean no disrespect to any of you guys at all. as I said I am still learning this system and believe it to be the best thing going. I'm just an old school brawler who used to fight every weekend whether it was work related as I have bounced in clubs all over eastern nc since I was 18 years old. I have done private security as well as I bounty hunted for over 10 years. In working in those jobs, you can imagine the number of dumbasses that you would come across, and sue the majority of them were tards with no training at all, but in the past few years, there has been a number of those tards with some training as the popularity of mma grows, so thefight game has def changed over the course of 25 years since I started training.
    and jonathan, doc stroud is a traditional juijitsu 7th degree black belt in hakaru juijitsu located in kinston, n.c., also ryan, doc stroud stood only 5'5' and weighed 160 lbs., and he used to throw me all over the fucking place as we specialized in small joint manipulation (finger locks and wrist locks) so don't be hard on the little guys. I was simply saying that I happen to be one of those guys who with my size and training level and experience level in real street fight situations, eye gouging is one of my favorites. and to jeff vale, I competed n sport karate(see the karate kid movie) in the late eighties and early ninties. never competed in juijitsu competition because unfortunately when I got into it, shortly there after, I got sent to prison for being the first guy convicted under the habitual misdemeanor assault statue in nc for spitting on my ex-wife, and at this point all of you should take a moment and ask how do you go to prison for that. the answer is I fought every weekend 2-3 times a weekend when I was in my 20s, I have a long extensive criminal record for fighting which slowly built into felony charges (google jonathan frank james vs. state of nc if you doubt this), which goes to another point that someone made on here, fighting isnt free anymore, the legal ramifications arent worth street brawling unless your life depends on it. I mentor the kids that I teach to get involved with competitive sports and tournament fighting. sorry to have came off cocky but 25 years of street fighting has made me that way. would love to meet all of you guys and let you guys teach me something that I dont know, thats why I continue training and teaching because I'm forever seeking knowlege in all styles of fighting. hope this post clarified some of my feelings and ideas. humbly asking that if I offended anyone, forgive me. that was not my intent.

  8. #58


    10thPlanet Oceanside
    No worries man were all passionate about our training and belief in our systems so with that we do sometimes take things personal when in actuality they are not really that big of a deal lots of type A personalities around here. Anyhow its good to have you here I plan on making the drive to Lynchburg myself and checking out the new school so mabye Ill be able to train with you sometime.

  9. #59


    ninthlevelmma, goldsboro, nc
    goldsboro, nc
    aj I was referring to being in guard and your opponent pulls a knife and tries to start hacking off your body parts (which has happened to me and in eastern nc a hip knife is daily apparel) I was cut three times before I was able to get control of his knife hand and yes, I thumb gouged his eye and bit him on the knife hand to make him drop it. thus why I feel so strongly about such tactics. If it werent for some friends there to pull me off the guy, I would have probably beat the guy to death. as it was he got away with a few hours of reconstructive surgery. so I guess I was saying that sometimes being on the ground isnt where "I" at that particular moment, wanted to be.

  10. #60


    ninthlevelmma, goldsboro, nc
    goldsboro, nc
    hat would be great. hope I cleared that up for you, also just replied to aj in hopes to clear up a little more on how I feel bout street fighting. btw where do youlive

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