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  1. #1

    Getting Stacked in Guard

    Ok, when ever a pull guard on a wrestler they just get head and arm inside of my guard and stack me. What can I do from there? They do not try to pass at all. and they are stacked to high for me to even get to mission control. Besides get more flexible, what can I do to keep them from keeping me flat on my back?

  2. #2
    Brian Debes's Avatar

    10th Planet Beaumont
    Beaumont, TX
    Clinch back, foot on the ground+ shrimp to foot on the hip. Then prison guard. This works against a very good, hips low, veteran wrestler kind of stack for me. Against people with a touch more space on their stack (most people, even wrestlers), the butterfly guard transition is right there. If you have trouble in butterfly’s, I go homie to prison but X-guard is gold against wrestler. That’s just what works for me. I have put a lot of hours is being stacked by wrestlers

  3. #3
    Jon Watkins's Avatar

    Summit City Submissions
    Fort Wayne
    There has to be at least one tomoe nage sweep from that position. Maybe some framing and posting on a hip could put De La Riva guard into play. I love using De La Riva on Wrestlers. Brian's advice should work as well.
    "How did Ricardo Arona get in my guard? Maybe he took me down, it doesn't matter, maybe I just woke up one morning and Ricardo Arona was in my guard. Here's what I'm gonna do." - Mario Sperry

  4. #4
    Overhook his arm. Underhook the other side. Hip out to the side of the underhook Put your butterfly in on the side of the underhook. Sweep him toward the overbook while scissoring with the overhook side leg.


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