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  1. #1
    Conner MACHINE Gibbons's Avatar

    Fighting Dragons Combat Sports & Behring Jiu Jitsu
    Watertown New York

    2013 Was Good To Me, 2014 Get Ready To Be My Bitch :)


    2013 brought me: The NY State Gi & No Gi Submission only Teen Championship, North American Teen Pankration Championship, The first ever NY State Liberty Games NO Gi and MMA Championship and the American Fighting Alliance Jr International MMA Title.

    2014 goals to win the Northeast, Can/Am and North American Jr MMA titles. I also plan on putting in the work to capture a major teen Jiu Jitsu title. That's as long as old injuries stay the F#*K out of my way and no new ones knock at my door.
    Always train with purpose and fight with passion . Don't be afraid to dream big, but have the balls to make your dreams come true.

  2. #2
    Eddie Bravo's Avatar

    10th Planet HQ
    Los Angeles, CA
    War Connor!!
    Follow me on Instagram @eddiebravo10p

    SUBSCRIBE to my videos

  3. #3
    Conner MACHINE Gibbons's Avatar

    Fighting Dragons Combat Sports & Behring Jiu Jitsu
    Watertown New York
    Eddie I want to thank you for always being there with insight and support. Not many guys would stay in touch with a fat little 8 year old kid with big dreams. I feel like I have reached a point when people around me are starting to think I have what it takes to make my dreams come true. In fact I have some pretty big names who want to start to be involved with my camps and training. That's awesome for sure but I feel you have always seen that possibility. Now maybe you were just being nice to a fat little kid and I was to dumb to see it. Lol. But it doesn't matter because for almost 8 years I have said to myself, I can do this. If Eddie thinks I have the potential he has to be right. It gave me the foundation to get me to this point. Now a lot of other guys are starting to jump on board with that, but to me your the one that set me on the path. That will always have a major part of making me into what I want to be, and I will never forget that.

    In fact it's one of the reasons I want to go after a major jiu jitsu title. I feel that will be a much bigger thank you to you than my MMA wins. This is the year that I want people to start getting excited about this kid out of New York fighting men in the MMA cage and ripping up the Jiu Jitsu circuit. I want people counting the days (Like I Am) to my pro debut. Just know your name will be in every thank you speech I ever give. I just did an interview for a MMA magazine. The story they tell me will be called "Is This The Future?" It is about how MMA has changed and the kids coming up have trained with only MMA in mind. The writer feels that me and other kids like me are going to be in control of the sport 5-8 years from now. He said we are the game changer. I told him I can only hope he's right but if any of that is true I have to give credit to you for being there telling me to go after my dream. So thank you!!!

    Also thank you for the info you sent to my phone. I have already started to bug my dad to start looking into airfare to go to that tournament. I'll keep you posted.
    Always train with purpose and fight with passion . Don't be afraid to dream big, but have the balls to make your dreams come true.


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