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  1. #1
    Brandon Mccaghren's Avatar

    10th Planet Decatur and 10th Planet Muscle Shoals
    Decatur, AL

    Ryron Gracie - Great Interview

    Check out Ryron's thoughts on training and tapping out. I love this!
    "The lockdown is not the 10th Planet gospel; an open mind is the 10th Planet gospel."
    - Amir Allam

    Please stop by and check out my site

  2. #2
    Jon Watkins's Avatar

    Summit City Submissions
    Fort Wayne
    What a tease. I can't download a Quick Time Player at the coffee house.
    "How did Ricardo Arona get in my guard? Maybe he took me down, it doesn't matter, maybe I just woke up one morning and Ricardo Arona was in my guard. Here's what I'm gonna do." - Mario Sperry

  3. #3
    Ric's Avatar

    Marcelo Garcia Academy, NYC
    Funny how the 10th Planet Forum is becoming the "Gracie Forum"...but anyway, I love his mindset. Most people don't have a mindset that will allow them to tap. (Personally, I'm a master at tapping!) It's always funny to me when a wrestler will come into the academy (any BJJ academy) and instead of practicing BJJ moves, just do their go to wrestling moves so that they "win" the match. They don't learn anything. I've had wrestlers tap me non stop for a 5 minute roll, even though I could teach them a lot about BJJ -which is supposedly why they came here. I've yet to see a wrestler enter a BJJ academy and say, "I'm going to just fight from my back so I can practice my guard." Instead they just try to win the fight, and they learn nothing.

  4. #4


    Cullman, AL
    Excellent interview, it just goes to show that we learn more from our failures than from our successes.

  5. #5
    I've done this from the first day because it just makes sense. I can't make anyone worse, I can only make myself better. Before I roll, if I know how they roll already or while I'm rolling, I'll first recognize what my opponents specialty is (is he the triangle guy or the side mount guy etc...) then I'll put myself in what he's best at and try to work from there. I'll do this to everyone I roll with that night. Then once I get home, I'll think over what my weakest position was and THAT is what I will work on until it is my strongest position. Then repeat the process. Point is, be purposeful while you train. Try to gain as much as possible from every person. Winning and Losing is irrelevant in the gym.

  6. #6
    btw, I love all of Ryron and Rener's videos. they have tons of knowledge and explain it well. if any of you haven't checked their stuff out, it's a must see.


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