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  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Frank R.
    People that are rich and buy their own drugs is a lot different than poor people asking the United States government for a handout and possibly use that money to supply their drug habits. Ok so someone can have a hard time getting on their feet; however, to prevent that help from getting abused they will be tested just to ensure that illegal drugs aren't being purchased with it. Don't like it then you get no help. Get a job like everyone else so you can buy all the drugs you want. America is great isn't it.
    Right, cause all the problems the country has is caused by the little guys.

  2. #22


    10th Planet Indianapolis
    Indianapolis, IN
    Quote Originally Posted by Cody Kietzman View Post
    Federal welfare = the Federal government using taxes to give people money. That is not a power afforded to the Federal government therefore it is a states right, not the Federal governments...therefore UNCONSTITUTIONAL! <---(uses sweet announcers voice) : ) a lot of things the Federal government does now is unconstitutional, but is done in the name democracy, order, freedom, liberty, justice, homeland security, and a bunch of other things that the govt uses to make people feel good about themselves/safe. Its simply the beast we have become. Let me wrap up by saying i absolutely love this country and i will live here forever. (I just dont want you guys to think im like a Canadian wannabe America hater).
    I figured that's what you meant. And I seriously doubt you will be labled an America Hater just cause you dont agree with something the Federal Gov does...LOL...especially on here No worries and thks for posting.

  3. #23
    Should rephrase the whole thread.

    Should recipients of government aid (rich or poor) be drug tested.

  4. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by Christopher Piper View Post
    Should rephrase the whole thread.

    Should recipients of government aid (rich or poor) be drug tested.

  5. #25


    Impact and 10th Planet Portland
    Portland, Oregon, USA
    seems like many forget that this isn't fair to pot smokers in particular and if anyone needs a little smoke now and then, it's poor people. would you prefer they are on coke? well that's what you'll get with this law because you can do coke on a Friday and test clean on Monday. Herb takes about 30 days to clear out. drug testing is a joke, what about caffeine, nicotine, alcohol and prescription drugs? this wouldn't prevent anyone from being strung out on those so it seems pointless to me.

  6. #26


    Nothern Ontario Canada
    I am a socialist Canadain so i think they should get addiction treatment along with there welfare if you test them and find they have a problem.

  7. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by Tyler Timmermans View Post
    I am a socialist Canadain so i think they should get addiction treatment along with there welfare if you test them and find they have a problem.
    You goddamn hippie : ) Welfare is against the documents that founded our country, its not the Federal governments responsibility to provide treatment either.

  8. #28
    Matthew Edlund's Avatar

    On the search
    New York
    Quote Originally Posted by Christopher Piper View Post
    40 ounces of freedom baby!

    The government and rich get to exploit and bend rules as they wish and exploit people too, but when it comes to poor people having a chance to do the same - its a no no!

    What about all those fucks on wall street that fist fucked the worlds economy. I wonder what kind of drugs they were on, better yet.. I wonder how many of them are still doing drugs.

    They can fuck ppls lives up without hesitation or remorse and keep on toking cracking or smacking while they are a prime reason for the explosion in unemployment and welfare benefit collection.

    But lets not allow some handicapped disabled person smoke a joint, just remember he didn't create the system.

    Things are the way they are cause of the people on the top, not the bottom.

    Democracy means the people rule, so tell me... what do you rule?

    You're not wrong. I think those rich pricks committed murder and should be held accountable for every father that lost his job and killed his family and himself (like the guy in LA or near there) because he felt he couldn't provide for his family. The ripples they made in the pond extended to the shore. They are way worse then someone abusing the welfare system.

    In the end though, abuse is abuse. We're dealing with two extreme ends of the spectrum but they should both be held accountable for their actions.

  9. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by Matthew Edlund

    You're not wrong. I think those rich pricks committed murder and should be held accountable for every father that lost his job and killed his family and himself (like the guy in LA or near there) because he felt he couldn't provide for his family. The ripples they made in the pond extended to the shore. They are way worse then someone abusing the welfare system.

    In the end though, abuse is abuse. We're dealing with two extreme ends of the spectrum but they should both be held accountable for their actions.
    Although I disagree with ppl answering for the use of recreational drugs as if there is something wrong with it. But have it your way - Hit the rich pricks that suck off the tax payers teets with government aim harder than the poor ever can, First!

  10. #30


    Nothern Ontario Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by Cody Kietzman View Post
    You goddamn hippie : ) Welfare is against the documents that founded our country, its not the Federal governments responsibility to provide treatment either.
    the guys that wrote those documents also had slaves... just saying.

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