This post brings up a good question, How to do you guys feel about Police Officer being affilitated with 10th Planet Jiu Jitsu? I have been part of 10th Planet Morgantown for a little over a year now, been to eddie's seminars, even been to tournaments repping 10th Planet. Jiu Jitsu has helped me a lot in my line of work and I have subdued many people using just Jiu Jitsu and no "striking" type of arts. I have been a Police Officer for 5+ years now and have yet to be sued by anybody for anything on the "use of force" topic. I do agree there are Police that use too much force at times or are uneducated about how to use a certain technique. I am the only police officer in my area other than my training partner who is badly injured at this time that trains in Jiu Jitsu and MMA and my department has 40+ officers. I am curious also as to any other officers that may be at any other 10th Planet schools or are repping as an outsider? Also wanted to know how Eddie feels about Police being affiliated, since the subject rarely ever comes up. Give me some input guys.