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  1. #11
    Jon Watkins's Avatar

    Summit City Submissions
    Fort Wayne
    Quote Originally Posted by Scott Philips View Post
    My god Jon Watkins, you basically just recited my own bjj game. I'd hate to meet you in a tournament sir.
    Thanks man, but you could always catch me if I'm feeling cocky about my top game and do something silly. Rubber Guard seems to halt alot of my top game passing. And passing is prolly my A game, but if you get that Meathook in you might put me in some sweep trouble. Or if you're a Puppet Master, I only a have a few counters to that that involve loosing points. I wouldn't count on finishing me with a triangle. I love sitting prying and turning it into 50/50 or the leg lace (I don't think this will be a legal finishing position, but I can pass your guard or take your back from here or I can mount of a back take feint). The last guy who finished me with a triangle was Sensei Ninja Noah and he had to secure it on top and hold it for about a 2 and a half minutes. He kept adjusting positions because I stubbornly kept separating my shoulder from my neck and he kept tweeking it tighter until he saw me turn blue in the face and I waited until I could feel things turning black just to test my blood choke endurance before finally tapping. Suffice it to say, I think my blood choke endurance is fairly strong. I'm no Farmer Burns, (Farmer Burns could not be choked out by man or noose) but I want to get there one day. But don't be scared. Everything is being revealed in Jiu Jitsu to everyone so any man can win on any given day. Marcelo Garcia shows everyone his moves because 1 he wants to challenge himself and 2 he thinks so far ahead of the other guy, generally, that moves don't even matter on the same level it matters for you and me.

    Sorry if I busted out too many wild tangents or sounded cocky. Grappling talk just excites me.
    "How did Ricardo Arona get in my guard? Maybe he took me down, it doesn't matter, maybe I just woke up one morning and Ricardo Arona was in my guard. Here's what I'm gonna do." - Mario Sperry

  2. #12


    10th Planet Hartford
    Winsted CT
    Thanks for the help guys, the Ninja Choke did work!

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