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Thread: warrior gene?

  1. #1
    Dustin C.

    warrior gene?

    Thought this would be interesting to those of us with anger issues lol. It talking about a gene that might be connected to anger ect.

  2. #2


    HQ/Van Nuys
    Woodland Hills
    They actually filmed some of the episode at Legends/HQ with some of the team. I saw it a few weeks ago. Pretty cool show.

  3. #3
    I'll have to check that out. If there is one type of person I can't stand its a person that can't control their emotions. Especially people that get angry easily and for no reason etc.. Maybe it'll open my eyes a little and give me an excuse for them :P

  4. #4
    I haven't seen the show, but is it something about having an extra X chromosome or anything of the like? Because that was studied as being the serial killer gene for a while, because it apparently made people more violent. But It was debunked a few years ago as having no relation to the control of your rage.


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