well i have been thinking about helping out my coach,friend, and 10th planet brother Brett Sbardella for his promotion tomorrow night. He has a HW thats been training that had a last min back out and i for one know how shitty this can be. I think this is a potentially very winable fight for myself against a guy with a decent record. Things holding me back, I havent been training to "fight" so no regular training sessions or cardio workouts so that concerns me also i always have a mental weakness when preparing for fights i would rather take a fight on moments notice and just go do it then dwell on it and freak myself out. What makes me wanna take it i have seen him fight he is a solid fighter and i think i have a large advantage on the ground over him. Also think my striking is on par with his. Oh desicions any input to help me decide weather to take it or pass would greatly be appreciated.