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  1. #11


    10th Planet Rochester
    Rochester, New York
    Brent you may want to check out youtube. Look up Cael Sanderson, he has many instrutional offesive/defensive stuff from his days coaching iowa state. I have used a lot of his stuff for years and teach it now in my weekly wrestling class.

  2. #12
    Jon Watkins's Avatar

    Summit City Submissions
    Fort Wayne
    "How did Ricardo Arona get in my guard? Maybe he took me down, it doesn't matter, maybe I just woke up one morning and Ricardo Arona was in my guard. Here's what I'm gonna do." - Mario Sperry

  3. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Zendokan View Post
    I see that my text is a little bit confusing (sorry, English isn't my first language).

    Paragrafe 1 and 2 are together (the do-Judo-breakfalls and trial-and-error approach by Wrestlers).
    paragrafe 3: Is more about that there aren't much adult Wrestling clubs because Wrestlers are prown to injuries more than other grappling sports. That was the 'maybe' that I was refering too.
    Why Wrestlers are more prown to injuries is indeed because it's a 'brutal' sport that abuses the body and yes, the nature of the game.

    That's why I'm re-educating myself from Shoot Wrestling to 10th Planet Jiu Jitsu. I'm a recreant sporter with a dayjob and walking around limping for 5 days isn't anymore for me.
    Unfortunally I still sometimes go 'ball to the wall' with the Chechen Wrestlers, they are 21,22 en 24, I'm 34 hitting 35 still this year. It's a blast for six minutes, but a hassle for 5 days.
    I wasn't really responding directly towards what you said.. I talk a lot and go on random tangents etc.. lol. everyone should have this website in their favorites.. you'll have to sometimes know what you're looking for as far as matches(or you can watch random ones.. I'm usually looking for specific matches though).. like friending coaches etc.. to see a teams uploads etc.. so navigation of the site can take getting a hang of. But they also have technical videos etc.. Basically one of my favorite websites.

  4. #14
    When I trained up at Randy Coutures in Vegas he taught a low risk common sense safty first approach to to wrestling. (evidence suggests that it can work). I think it's the mind set you approach the sport. I know quite a few 1st generation Gracie guys that have pins in their knees and ankles from going 100% with leg attacks because "that's the way real men train". Then look at Kieth Owen. His style of jiu-jitsu is nicknamed pussey jiu-jitsu because he has a life long focus on his art. Anyone who can beat Marcelo Garcia is no pussey. Same with wrestling it's just very few people do it. I didn't step on to a wrestling mat till I was in my 40's and so far so good. Most of my chronic injuries are from my thai boxing days in my 20's when I trained like I was bullet proof. Turned out I wasn't
    Keep your stick on the ice TO THE 10TH POWER!!!

  5. #15
    The way I see it.. at least from what I know the majority of the injuries are from competition not training. But your body gets abused in training which isn't just wrestling(I would be curious to learn what hes talking about.. but I feel that has more to do with learning and applying the techniques to your own area more than being competitive in the sport itself.).. training including weights/conditioning etc.. constantly. When you're a young kid all the way through high school you have nothing but time.. and that time is filled with training day after day after day.. your body gets abused. Then based on what I observe from my friends in college... their lives revolve around wrestling(like most college sport) so it just compounds the issue. It also doesn't help that the majority of wrestlers have a lack of respect for their body.. and have very abusive practices. But that slowly changing now a days.. which is good to see.

    I don't consider one sport more manly/pussy then another etc.. I love both... with a slight lean. At least imo jiu-jitsu's is more of a chess match and wrestling is checkers with your body at peak physical performance.. Of course I have a lot to learn in jiu-jitsu so that could be an incorrect statement.

    Also wrestlers are taught to be aggressive which leads to injury... imo the only way to truly be aggressive is to practice aggressively.. practice how you compete.. which doesn't mesh with jiu-jitsu too well. Learned that quickly on my first day drilling jiu-jitsu.. we were supposed to go 60% and thats what I was going in my mind.. I got yelled at pretty good :P and learned to change quickly.

    another random wall of text brought to you by me

  6. #16


    10th Planet Rochester
    Rochester, New York
    The whole mind set of wrestling is different. Its about pressure and being aggressive, but that doesn't mean you will end up with injuries. I still use both everyday in the gym, I only change it alittle. To say wrestling is a life thats true, but so is every sport if you want to be good at it. Pourya in my almost 10 years of wrestling I have never been hurt from being aggressive. I got hurt in jj and wrestling from making mistakes. Also "practice how you compete" is still true but in the right times. During drills in beginner class, no way but during rolling yes. If you watch me I train just like I compete, same set ups, same moves, same subs. I just don't force it the sub at the end.

  7. #17


    10th Planet Rochester
    Syracuse, NY
    Great find, thanks Jon

  8. #18
    I agree 100% I was trying to make zero distinction between sports etc.. because every sport is a way of life if you want it to be. I was just trying to say the training between jiu-jitsu(most sports) and wrestling differs and that wrestling focuses more on peak physical performance which in itself damages the body(of course you could disagree with this). But writing isn't my strongest trait and I have a small bias as well. I said earlier its totally possible to wrestle without ever suffering from any injuries.. Just that nature of the sport and the old ideologies behind it that some people still follow lead to injuries etc..

  9. #19
    Josh Passini's Avatar

    10th Planet Chicago
    Chicago, IL
    Wrestling destroyed my body. Just take it slow and go with no ego and learn how to take a slam like others said.

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