I wish I could include all moons in this poll, but these damn polls only allow 10 nominees maximum. So here are the top 10 results from the nominee thread. Obviously the moon with the most nibiru forum members will have the advantage. Is that fair? Hell yes it is. If a moon head has got 20 or 30 of his students posting on this forum that means he's doing something right. It means he's rallying his dogs and getting them fired up about connecting with other moons here on this board. Now that's serious team work. If you are a moon head and you don't have any of your students networking and mingling with the 10p family here on this forum, well you are dropping the ball when it comes to unifying and building family ties with your 10p brothers and sisters. I pay close attention to the moon heads who are and who aren't on this forum and this poll will reflect that perfectly.
Let's see what yalls got!!
Let's see what yalls got!!