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  1. #1
    Ross Davidson's Avatar

    10th Planet Fort Lauderdale Hotbox/MGJJ Purple Belt/10P Miami
    Fort Lauderdale, Fl

    I still want to quit life to train jiu jitsu.

    Just an update. Thought it might change, but i was wrong.
    "You know you cannot escape death, but immortality can be obtained."

  2. #2
    Gary Meek's Avatar

    10th Planet O'Fallon, IL
    St Louis Metro Area
    Just become a 10P nomad...I'm trying to cut back at work so that I can spend more time in the gym. Let you know how that goes when and if it does. Unfortunately, I make too much money at work to quit right now. Blessing and a curse. =)

  3. #3


    Ronin (10thP Rochester roots)
    Boston, MA
    How old are you?

    What do you want out of life?

    What's your support structure look like?

    The reason I ask is because under the right circumstances you could. If you're young and have zero responsibilities, that's a good start. If you're not looking to be uber rich and are ok living a modest comfortable life, then that's another good factor. If you have supportive parents or friends, that's another good thing. If you can get like a part time job, room with a few guys so you can have super cheap rent, or just live with your parents rent free, then you're good.

    But a big deal is what do you want to do with your life? Teach? Open your own gym? Cuz eventually you'll get older and want a family. And families are costly. Unless you get a sugar momma....or sugar daddy. I'm not here to judge. And so you're gonna have to figure out how to turn that eventual black belt into some sort of income. I'd recommend taking some business courses or learn the ropes from a current business owner in whichever venture you choose.

    Honestly, if I were young and had no responsibilities, I'd try to figure out a way to focus on BJJ. It's the one thing that I feel makes me happiest besides family and friends. So why not? At least give it some thought and see if it's possible. Right?

  4. #4


    Ronin (10thP Rochester roots)
    Boston, MA
    If I hit the lotto right now, I'd quit my job, hire a personal trainer, nutritionist, train full time and take privates from the best in the world. But I"m currently trapped in the matrix trying to find my way out.

  5. #5
    Wancarlos's Avatar

    "Oil Slix" shirtless BJJ Club
    Gainesville FL
    Quote Originally Posted by David Rosado View Post
    I"m currently trapped in the matrix trying to find my way out.
    Me too man. If there were an 8 man absolute tourney--Grand Prize being free unlimited training and room/board-- I'd work my butt off to win that thing. and I'd figure out a way to leave life behind. The amazing thing about martial arts and JJ in particular, is that it will always assist you in giving back to the system, and eventually to those that helped you get where you wanted to be, to begin with. I feel crappy when I don't get on the mats.
    "Blame the IBJJF when, in 30 years you see an academy that nails the phrase, "A Red belt is a Junior black belt that hasn't died yet" on the far wall."

  6. #6


    Combat Base
    Pontefract, UK.
    I hear you Ross.

  7. #7
    John Mejia's Avatar

    10th Planet Chicago
    Chicago Illinois
    Quote Originally Posted by David Rosado View Post
    How old are you?

    What do you want out of life?

    What's your support structure look like?

    The reason I ask is because under the right circumstances you could. If you're young and have zero responsibilities, that's a good start. If you're not looking to be uber rich and are ok living a modest comfortable life, then that's another good factor. If you have supportive parents or friends, that's another good thing. If you can get like a part time job, room with a few guys so you can have super cheap rent, or just live with your parents rent free, then you're good.

    But a big deal is what do you want to do with your life? Teach? Open your own gym? Cuz eventually you'll get older and want a family. And families are costly. Unless you get a sugar momma....or sugar daddy. I'm not here to judge. And so you're gonna have to figure out how to turn that eventual black belt into some sort of income. I'd recommend taking some business courses or learn the ropes from a current business owner in whichever venture you choose.

    Honestly, if I were young and had no responsibilities, I'd try to figure out a way to focus on BJJ. It's the one thing that I feel makes me happiest besides family and friends. So why not? At least give it some thought and see if it's possible. Right?
    Solid advice.

  8. #8
    Ross Davidson's Avatar

    10th Planet Fort Lauderdale Hotbox/MGJJ Purple Belt/10P Miami
    Fort Lauderdale, Fl
    Haha! I'd absolutely love to be a 10p nomad. And yes I'm only 25, but after the last 7 years of living on my own, away from my parents, I've amassed quite a few responsibilities. Owning a gym would be awesome though. However, I have a ways to go before I'm ready to be a teacher of jiu jitsu
    "You know you cannot escape death, but immortality can be obtained."

  9. #9
    Mikael Chay

    Go get it Ross!

  10. #10


    Ronin, Thunder Bay, ON Canada
    In 2011 I was an Oilfield Frac Consultant. I smoked a pack of cigarettes per day and lived out of a suitcase on the road. In 2012 circumstances led to my two youngest daughters coming to live with me. I am a much better father, boyfriend, human now. In 2013 I started attending Jiu Jitsu classes. I have decided to go back to school, mostly because it frees up more time for Jiu Jitsu. Do more of what makes you happy... no really, do it.

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