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  1. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Rodney Salinas View Post
    Oh and btw, I'm a huge fan of rubber guard, i just recommend to stop doing it until you rehab your knee back to health, and become flexible in your hips and hamstrings so when you play rubber guard in the future you wont put stress on your knee.
    Yeah I'm going to take it easy at class for a while and get my knees better and get flexibility/mobility back. Probably just do light tech and no sparring. I've also got a injured hip on my right side I got from doing takedowns so need to fix that up also.

  2. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Rodney Salinas View Post
    "Great lakes gelatin" has a couple different kinds. I know they have atleast 2, 1 which you have to add to hot water and then chill "like jello". The other kind you can add to cold liquids, which becomes very convenient.

    Yeah i mix the cold soluble "great lakes gelatin" in my orange juice, stir thoroughly, and drink like normal orange juice.

    Here is a link to the cold soluble gelatin at the bottom for a reference (i didn't price check, so this link might not be the best deal).
    Cool! will check some of the local chemist on the chance they have this in. If not I found a few online shops in Australia I can buy it.

  3. #13
    I can't really say how rubber guard could be affecting your knees as I haven't been rolling for very long, but I can tell you that when my knees swell and hurt it's usually because my quads and hamstrings are too tight. Tight muscles can increase the strain on tendons in the knee. Uneven musculature can also cause strain with stronger muscles pulling leading to a strain. Ice and stretching has always been good to me. Knee strengthening exercises would probably also help to stabilize and prevent injury.

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