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  1. #1


    Ronin (10thP Rochester roots)
    Boston, MA

    Flying Sheneneh ?

    I'm curious. I do a lot of brainstorming for BJJ. It's kind of my default for daydreaming.

    I'm able to get to meathook super easy and in my brainstorming, I feel like I should be able to shrimp, and instead of going flying kung fu, I can do flying sheneneh. I'm curious if it's possible to do a flying sheneneh. (see Bmac's Oprah video for reference).

    What do you guys think? Possible? Impossible? Possible but not ideal? For example, I'm thiking: broken down partner, wrist control on their left wrist , shrimp to my left side, and instead of flying kung fu, I pull my leg up like a meathook but instead of going for their left shoulder, I bring my hand to the right side of their neck to "crowbar" my foot in front of their face. Good idea? Bad idea?

  2. #2
    Jon-Michael Holland's Avatar

    10th Planet Bethlehem
    Bethlehem PA
    If you go straight to the crowbar you could have a problem keeping the hand to the mat where as going to New York then meat hook then clearing the neck that arm is trapped the whole time. Nothing beats that flying Kung fu tho just being able to bring that leg over so fast it's a great way to get to a Gogo clinch and the better finishes from the rubber guard but I'd say just put reps in on what you're trying on lower level guys and work your way up see what happens and go from there. Best of luck exploring the posish

    ig and twitter @jm10p


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