MTS 14 should be up tomorrow (Flying kung fu,NewTaekwonJo,&Einstein confronts Renato)
MTS 14 should be up tomorrow Flying kung fu, TaekwonJoe Part 4, awesome set up to the back, the weirdest chemtrails ever & Einstein confronts Renato, you are gonna trip balls
i need to get some money dammit, i wanna see Einstein and Renato duel to the death. as well as the many other perks
what if Renato choked out einstein also? we've seen the unfortunate powers Renato possesses when he's not wearing a gi....Renato might be a no gi master and not even know it and the gi was holding back his TRUE potential all these years
what if Renato choked out einstein also? we've seen the unfortunate powers Renato possesses when he's not wearing a gi....Renato might be a no gi master and not even know it and the gi was holding back his TRUE potential all these years
but imagine this...........what if...........they BOTH choke each other out, AT THE SAME TIME!!! O_O