im going to add my own advice, but the list of stretches that Sean gave is really good.
1. Doing weighted stretches will allow you to see results faster. (I wouldn't do this with Hip Rotation like the Pigeon or Tailor/Buttergly pose though, as the risk of the stretch going into the Knee Ligaments isn't worth it. But for exercises like the Couch Stretch, Frog Pose, Horse Stance (Which is more of a strengthening pose used for the Middle Splts) these become money)
2. For the Tailor Pose (Butterfly), do it against a wall (place for feet in the butterslt positions, squat down into it against the wall, and then wiggle around so it's comfortable), as it will allow you to keep your back straight. Do contractions by placing your forearms against the inside of your knees and use your legs to press imto them. The second contraction is to push your heels together. I usually do both of these simultaneously. Long contractions really benefit here, don't just do the 5 seconds, I usually do 15-30 seconds contractions. Use your hips to actively press your knees down to the floor.
3. Instead of the Pigeon Pose (which I don't find to be that much of a stretch), I use one where I sit against the wall, with my legs out straight. Then I put one of my legs on top of the others knee (right above it, ok the Quad), and then I use my arms to push my body up, and slide my feet up, then lower myself down. There are 3 contractions I use. The first is to just press your foot against the quad. The second is to put your hand on the inside of your knee and have your knee press inwards against your hand. The third is to put your hand on the quad of your leg, and use your leg to press against your hand. These work the Imternal/External Rotators, and the Hip Flexors. After that I raise my body with my hands and slide my foot in closer and repeat. Really focus on keeping your back flat against the wall, and keeping your chest out (your back won't be flat against it, but just attempting to have good posture will increase the stretch)
4. Strength and Mobility go hand in hand (which is why weighted stretching and contractions are dope, because they strengthen the muscles in their end range). Just stretching and not strengthening that end ROM, your body is not going to feel safe in that end ROM, and won't keep that end ROM, and you'll just be playing a game of cat-mouse with your own body, trying to gain more ROM, and then your body tightening up more. This is also why Lifting to get stronger will help too. I reccomend Olympic Lifting- as compared to just your basic Bodybuilder, or Powerlifting. You'll be strong, explosive, and it has a focus on Mobility (Ankles, Hips, Thoracic Extension, Shoulder Flexion, etc.) Don't do so much that you can't train BJJ, this is secondary- slow progress is still progress, and it's better than no progress. 2 days a week is probably enough to not take away from BJJ, but still able to see some progress
5. Foam Roll- get a Foam Roller, and a couple lacrosse balls (3). Tape 2 of the lacross balls together (for your Thoracic Spine). Now you have 3 mobility tools- a Foam Roller, Lacrosse Ball, and a T-Spine Roller. (Eventually you'll need better equipment, but for starting this is good. If you want the best equipment, go to
6. Heat- taking a hot shower or bath before stretching will loosen up your muscles and allow you to go deeper. But make sure to retain that heat by wearing some spats and sweatpants (otherwise your muscles won't be hot anymore and you just wasted water)
7. Compression- Using Voodoo Floss (or the ghetto version by using the Inner Tube of a bike tire) can help you gain more ROM (It's also good for when you injure yourself, as it will help recovery. Using it on the Wrist/Elbow/Shoulder/Ankle/Knee is where it's best).
Hope this helps