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  1. #31
    Continue on that train of logic and you will realize that by saying "I don't care that ex-gays or ex-trans exist" also means that "I don't care that I was brainwashed to think that men can turn into women and that gays don't have a choice". You're stupid, right? Or a shill?

  2. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by Jon Watkins View Post
    This guy seems way too big on condemnation to be a Christian, but I guess he is just trying to be like his God. Remember kids, if God himself was not able to render human nature sinless, what right had he to punish them for not being sinless?
    Jon, that is an interesting question. Not one that I necessarily agree with but certainly worthy of rational debate. I hope you don't hold it against me that my ugly mug is not posted yet...

    The OP of this thread already knows everything and is not interested in a discussion. Could be a troll, could be an extremist, or there could be another reason.

  3. #33
    Let's stick to the irrefutable facts that you are afraid of, and stop with the vain philosophy that is easily answered. There is no permutation of free will in abundance that would yield sinlessness. Stop being foolish. Free will is the righteous decision, not creating sinless drones. You fools can't even start to debate me. It's time to leave, kids. No circle jerking with 0 rebuttals please.

    I have physical proof that Jesus Christ rose from the dead, and you're here spouting rank 1 Atheist philosophy. Give me a break XD. I figured this stuff out over 10 years ago, and you fools think it's sound? Give me a break.

    I'm not looking for a baseless, out of context philosophy debate. If I wanted that, I could prove that God exists by the fact that evil exists alone, by showing you that you can't know what evil is unless you appeal to a higher standard above your own emotions, which would mean God must exist. Society doesn't govern objective morality, nor does your feelings. God does, and has written it in your heart, that's why you can tell good from evil, and that's why pedophilia is always evil no matter how many people agree that it is good.

    Your positions are weak, and you need to keep bouncing from failed argument to failed argument to make yourselves feel better about living a lie that I proved over and over again. Like I said, you thought men can turn into women before this topic, and didn't even know ex-gays exist. You are brainwashed, and that's a fact.

    When you're done circle jerking and want to actually refute something I actually said, instead of ignoring all the IRREFUTABLE FACTS and building strawmen like cowards, I'll be here :c)

  4. #34
    No, not impossible, but that is not what free will is. Free will can't be controlled. Free will has the potential for sinlessness, but does not guarantee it so you can't hold it against God for creating Free Will, especially since He fixed our sin through His sacrifice. The chances of free will in ABUNDANCE being sinless is extremely poor, not impossible, but potentially functionally impossible. are you done? The potential for sinlessness is clearly there, you just have to be a little intellectually HONEST to recognize it without asking yet another question that I just refuted (I'm glad you fell for my little noose to hang yourself with yet again, I knew you were intellectually dishonest, but didn't think this would be that easy to prove). God had faith that we would be sinless, but had the perfect plan to pay for sin for us, if we weren't. God is perfect, you're a fool. Time to leave, junior. It's clear you're afraid of actually touching the irrefutable physical proof of Jesus Christ's Resurrection, so you're clinging to your vain philosophy. you're a coward, prove me wrong. Actually refute me rather than letting me repeatedly refute you.

    In fact, it took 2 humans to get to that permutation. That's how hard it is to create a permutation of free will without sin. But it's still righteous to create humans with free will, and it is righteous to have faith in that low percentage chance that sinlessness would happen. But even then, God was willing to sacrifice Himself to pay for our sin and to defeat sin that the potential would create. God is righteous. Your vain philosophy will fail every time. I have no respect for intellectually dishonest individuals like yourself.

    This is QED at this point. I expect you to run rather than admit defeat, like you have over and over again, jumping from failed argument to failed argument, all which are out of context and irrelevant to what I've actually posted. Look at you completely ignore the part of my post that proves that you knowing what evil is, proves that God exists. You're such a coward.

    You're done here, stop embarrassing yourself.

    I've yet to hear you reply to anything I've actually said in context, other than when I refute you and you abandon your position like you will do yet again.

    Are you conceding to everything else I've posted? since you refuse to answer anything else. You're stuck on pointing to stars to figure out if we're moving (and can't/refuse to explain how this is relevant), yet you can't even falsify my proof that we aren't. You're a coward, junior, and your arguments have been crushed multiple times. Take this advice: accept that you're wrong.
    Last edited by TheInfamousXMann; 10-23-2018 at 04:02 PM.

  5. #35
    Like honestly, I posted ONE small section about geocentricity, and I gave an example that you can't falsify, yet you come here and tell me to study some irrelevant experiment you won't explain to me, and that I need to answer you about it even though you won't explain how it's relevant and you won't falsify my example. How much of a coward are you? In your next response, can you please try to refute something I've actually said in context with it, or actually type more than 3 sentences, or is that too much to ask for an NPC?

    Instead of, you know, ignoring 3 pages worth of information that proves you live a lie? like Physical proof, cosmological proof, etc? Why are you such a coward, buddy? Can't handle the fact that you are brainwashed I guess? had to abandon that position cause it got too hot for you? Hahahaha, cmon man, don't you like to pretend you know how to fight? yet you tap tap tap like a novice when confronted with ex-gay and ex-trans proof that "born this way" is a lie. why abandon that position so quickly? Why ignore physical proof of the resurrection?

    I'm supposed to answer all of your irrelevant questions that are out of context, but you don't have to answer everything (or even SOMETHING) I posted? I don't think it works this way, intellectually dishonest coward :c) I posted 3 pages of facts that refute your world view, but you ignore everything and abandon your position when faced with ex-gay and ex-trans truth who prove that "born this way" is a lie. You completely couldn't answer a single thing I proved about their lies, and you abandoned that position. You exclaimed how you "still support LGBT", but exclaiming that doesn't mean you didn't abandon your arguments for them. You're such a fool, junior, please understand this. You aren't smart, and I am your intellectual superior. This is clear to anyone who read and watched you run away from me.

    You don't need to tap tap tap and start again when you lose. You need to change your world view to align with the truth. If you don't, you have no integrity, which you already admitted to lacking since you said "I don't care that I was brainwashed". Remember that? How many times are you going to embarrass yourself, junior? Seriously.

    REFUTE ME, PLEASE. I'm begging you to actually reply IN CONTEXT with something I've said. I've now handily refuted you multiple times, yet you're still asking me to go research something you can't even explain how it's relevant while ignoring an ACTUAL EXAMPLE of why geocentricity is true that you CAN'T FALSIFY. Why are you SO SCARED of my example? All your peers have refused to follow up with a falsification as well.

    What's going on guys? Why are you all afraid of truth? Too much narcissism? Maybe you guys think Pride is a good thing, and have been brainwashed by LGBTQ to think that as well? Don't tell me that's it....You know what the definition of pride is right, guys? It's not good.
    Last edited by TheInfamousXMann; 10-23-2018 at 04:09 PM.

  6. #36
    Oh look, an incredible amount of deflecting and dismissal of everything I just said, to justify your poor rhetoric and weak attempts to derail the information you can't refute, how sad and pathetic, and expected!

  7. #37
    You can call me whatever you want, it doesn't detract from the fact that you are a coward in this conversation, because you refuse to actually refute anything I say. Play the victim, coward. It is what it is, if you are going to take this angle to run away from being constantly and consistently crushed while playing YOUR POOR RHETORIC game and not answering me EVER, then go ahead, coward. Bye. I wish you would just be intellectually honest, but that's too much to ask from you, as you proved over and over again. You're just a narcissist who refuses to admit he's wrong. That comes with cowardice and being afraid of the truth. Truth is divisive and it will piss you off, but it will set you free. Eventually you'll realize that, but it might be too late.

    I proved that you are brainwashed, and you answered with "I don't care". You have no integrity, and I'm actually glad you're leaving. It shows the people how low integrity cowards react to truth, thanks for being an easy example to make.
    Last edited by TheInfamousXMann; 10-23-2018 at 04:55 PM.

  8. #38


    10th Planet Austin
    Why would you come on a jiu jitsu forum with all this stuff? This is better suited for a religious forum. I hope you copied and pasted that and didn't waste your time typing.

  9. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by elb3001 View Post
    Why would you come on a jiu jitsu forum with all this stuff? This is better suited for a religious forum. I hope you copied and pasted that and didn't waste your time typing.
    Let's be honest here, we all know this has a place being here. Secondly, telling the truth is very easy for me. I typed everything up, but don't worry about it, it's very easy and I type very fast as well. As I've said, I've refined these arguments over a long period of time, and are second nature to me just like any good jiu jitsu practitioner would be with his moves.

    Jiu jitsu has helped me a great deal in learning to love truth as well as the importance of refinement and being tested. I'm surprised it hasn't done the same for many of you.

  10. #40
    Jon Watkins's Avatar

    Summit City Submissions
    Fort Wayne
    I believe Jesus is the Son of God and he lived and died and rose from the dead to save us from our sins. I was running from it for a long time and I thought I had things figured out, but I was wrong.
    "How did Ricardo Arona get in my guard? Maybe he took me down, it doesn't matter, maybe I just woke up one morning and Ricardo Arona was in my guard. Here's what I'm gonna do." - Mario Sperry

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