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  1. #1

    The importance of eating well

    In humans, oxidative stress is involved in many diseases. Examples include atherosclerosis, Parkinson's disease, heart failure, myocardial infarction, Alzheimer's disease, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, fragile X syndrome and chronic fatigue syndrome, but short-term oxidative stress may also be important in prevention of aging.

    I read this a while ago but another crazy fact is Interestingly, oxidative stress experienced in the womb has a negative effect on the attractiveness in later life due to it causing slight variations in the expression of genes. This causes asymmetry in bodily and facial proportions. So eat your bluberries or in Renatos case Acai and have beautifull kids lol.

  2. #2


    Pittsburgh/10th Planet Morgantown
    Amen! I've completely changed my eating habits from a year ago. I read a quote from Mr. Olympia Jay Cutler that sums it all up to me: "You want to look like crap, put crap into your body." An organic donut is still a donut. And I eat an Acai Blast chewable everyday, just in case, so no ugly kids.

  3. #3
    Jon Watkins's Avatar

    Summit City Submissions
    Fort Wayne
    Eating right is definitely a must, but having a positive desire to live long, regular exercise, and friendships shouldn't be underestimated either. I think all those factors and probably others play into your longevity and countenance as well.
    "How did Ricardo Arona get in my guard? Maybe he took me down, it doesn't matter, maybe I just woke up one morning and Ricardo Arona was in my guard. Here's what I'm gonna do." - Mario Sperry


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