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  1. #11
    I say educate the judges.

    my coworker and i have had many conversation about this since the Nam Phan Vs Leonard Garcia fight and he brought up and idea that i dont know if i agree with but what do you think.

    Either You Finish the fight (via KO,TKO or submission) or both fighters get a draw.

    your $.02?

  2. #12


    10th Planet Phoenix and Fabio Santos BJJ (Team Monstro)
    El Mirage AZ
    i see were hes coming from but i dont agree with that the problem is i dont have a good argument against it idk but it just seems wrong

  3. #13
    The problem IMHO isnt the number of judges, its quality, plain and simple. Most of the judges used in the bigger fights are the ones with a whole lot of "experience" ie, alot of boxing matches. They have zero actual practical grappling knowledge, and very little kickboxing. I think its a stretch to say most of them actually know something about boxing (most long time boxing judges have never set foot in a boxing gym).

    The biggest problem with judging is largely software (the people who dont know wtf they are doing) and not hardware (10 point must isnt the best system, but proper use as mentioned, esp of 10-10 rounds goes a long way to fixing this).

    I once trained with a judge (MMA judge) and the guy had been judging fights for 2 years, the guy actually told me after an hour of grappling training, he never realized how much worse it was to be mounted, than to have someone in your guard. To him, in the past he felt they were pretty much the same, this, is a problem IMHO, and I dont think it s a rare problem with MMA judges.

  4. #14


    No training at the moment, but have had some self training
    Boise, Idaho
    with more judges comes still more mess-ups, because if you think about it, if you have more judges there is more room for argument and bad calls

  5. #15


    10th Planet Phoenix and Fabio Santos BJJ (Team Monstro)
    El Mirage AZ
    i know there arent many of them but they gotta use retired mma fighters

  6. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by jstdoit1112 View Post
    I say educate the judges.

    my coworker and i have had many conversation about this since the Nam Phan Vs Leonard Garcia fight and he brought up and idea that i dont know if i agree with but what do you think.

    Either You Finish the fight (via KO,TKO or submission) or both fighters get a draw.

    your $.02?
    I have a good argument against it..

    You want to have your stable of fighters.. getting tkoed.. and knocked out regularly will not help your fighting career. You'll be done in no time. And if a rule like that was to be made tkos and kos would go up imo because fighters want to get paid.. a draw isn't helping anybody :P

  7. #17


    10th Planet Ronin/JKD Institute
    Titusville, FL
    There is a rule that says 3. That is part of the problem but the bigger problem is that the judges, for the most part, are boxing judges. Because we have to go through the state athletic commission and because the UFC's home is Vegas, we get stuck with guys who can't score fights. The UFC is powerful enough to change this. In theory, they could hire some judges from Japan, where the scoring is much more accurate, relocate them to the USA, get the certified by the SAC, and have permanent MMA judging. 5 judges would be nice but the SAC will not change the rules for the UFC. It's up to Dana to bring in the proper judges.

  8. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Luis Acherbo View Post
    i know there arent many of them but they gotta use retired mma fighters
    This is a good idea but the problem is that many retired MMA fighters are coaches now. Finding a truly impartial retired MMA fighter is quite hard.

  9. #19


    10th Planet Phoenix and Fabio Santos BJJ (Team Monstro)
    El Mirage AZ
    Quote Originally Posted by JordanSilva View Post
    This is a good idea but the problem is that many retired MMA fighters are coaches now. Finding a truly impartial retired MMA fighter is quite hard.
    yeah the impartial thing crossed my mind a lil after i posted it and i know that most of them love the sport enough to not let them be effected by that but i know its not enough lol

  10. #20
    I would take a CHANCE at partiality being an issue over definite incompetence every day of the week.

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