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  1. #61


    Nothern Ontario Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by bobby rivers View Post
    How are bobby's from bama supposed to be?

    Public school, inbreeding, and the internet then i wing it.
    somthing like this is what i picture

  2. #62


    Rocha BJJ / Gracie Humaita
    Oakland, CA
    Honestly, man, most of your family's critiques are very hypocritical. Your aunt consistently attacks your experience and knowledge, saying things like "you read things and make these decisions from your room", yet she never shows her own qualification on the subject. Has she ever smoked weed? At what point did being "out there" as an FBI agent teach her more than reading what a trained scientist has to say? She repeatedly asks you "should we legalize heroin, cocaine...?" You should respond by explaining to her that the LD50 of marijuana is over 10,000 times the avg dose needed to get someone high. It is physically impossible to OD on THC (Even if it could be directly injected into the bloodstream, you would die from blood dilution before you died from toxicity). That is the difference between MJ and drugs like heroin and coke. For that matter, ask her "should we outlaw alcohol?" How many people has she arrested over bar fights, drunk driving, etc.? How many alcohol poisonings has she seen? I love the comment about providing medical proof. Aside from there being no such thing (only theories), her federal government has outlawed MJ research by scheduling it as a drug with NO MEDICAL USES. I guess anybody who has passed out while high (sleep aid), gotten the munchies (appetite stimulant), gotten high while hurt (painkiller), gotten over nausea (anti-emetic), or used it for glaucoma (decreases optical pressure behind the retina) is hallucinating.

    One more thing. Tell your family that if they are going to get on a high horse (pun intended) and claim to be more experienced, intelligent, and mature, they should learn to argue without being pedantic. Mature adults know that acting superior and talking down to someone rarely gets your message through. Their posts are clearly not meant to teach you a lesson, but rather to make themselves feel better about a subject they don't understand at all. Calling you "little man" is like you saying "You don't understand, old woman." It's disrespectful and pointless. Maybe we smokers should argue like children - apparently, that's what non-smokers respond to. For the record, I'm sorry, i am not trying to insult your family, it just pisses me off when people act so superior when they are so clueless. Having worked in clubs and for growers in the past, I have a ton of information on this subject. If you need any ammo for the argument, PM me.

  3. #63


    Head instructor 10th Planet Mobile
    Yeah, thats my uncle Bill. Profoundly deep as well.

  4. #64
    Lol bro I think you went a little bit over board with the thing about people having guns to intimidate cops. But in saying that I absolutely hate it when people act like cops are fucking Angels it's bullshit. In like the last three years in melbourne I know of three people in my neighborhood who have been killed by cops for holding weapons but not even attacking anyone with them. I know plenty of people who have been beaten the shit out of for something that doesn't even deserve a slap on the wrists, I've been choked by
    A cop for j walking, it's bullshit that they ca do whatever they like and nothing happens.

  5. #65


    Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
    So whats the latest news? Everyone still bent at you?

  6. #66


    Head instructor 10th Planet Mobile
    Maybe its time to move out.

  7. #67


    Kansas City, MO
    Whats Good Everyone?

    Just wanted to update everyone that showed their support. I still live with my parents, they got pretty pissed on thursday after I posted my last post to my cousin. Basically I posted 1 post just destroying him & then my dad talked me out of that one, so I deleted that one & posted a friendlier version. Well my mom got the e-mail of what I put even though that was no longer posted by the time she got on facebook. So I spent a lot of time at my friend's house. I smoked weed for the first time on Saturday night. Which was an ordeal all in itself. Sources kept falling through, then places to smoke at kept falling through but finally we found a source & we smoked at around 9pm.

    It honestly didn't feel to much different. I just felt relaxed & I'm always nervous so that was nice. My short term memory was toast. My friend came & told us that he was gonna leave for a second & I asked him to get some more swishers, I only had my debit card on me & he said that he would buy it & that I will just need to pay him back. So he left. Well a little bit later, I ask my friends if my other friend left & they said yet. So I was like, oh no he has my card & my friend kept interrupting me, so I was like man you don't understand, he doesn't have my 4 digit # for my debit card & my friends started laughing at me & they had to remind me that he didn't have my debit card & that I owed him for swishers.

    At one point, I was trying to tell a story but I couldn't stop laughing. For some reason I thought the look on my friend's face was the funniest crap in the world. I didn't just laugh neither, it was that embarrassing laugh that I cover up when I'm not high because it sounds stupid.

    Then later that night my friends wanted to play madden, I felt like that was a waist of highness. I didn't want to do something where I had to do deep thought, I actually wanted to watch Eddie Murphy's stand up "Delerious" but no one else wanted to. I went upstairs & played Madden with them but I kept forgetting what side of the ball I was on almost every play. It felt like 10 minutes between plays & I was so focused just to find out I was on the other side of the ball. At one point, I throw the ball to the running back when he runs to the side but instead the ball goes to my tightend. I look at my friend & said, "that wasn't even who I wanted to throw to." He looks at me & starts laughing & said, "Are you F*****g kicking me, you're on defense. Then I started giggling.

    We then went in the Living Room where everyone was at & I tore up some spaghetti, straight tore it up. There was all this small talk going on when we were in the other room playing madden between my friend & this girl that I didn't know, that continued out into the living room where I was eating. I don't remember any of that conversation, I just remember that they were talking. All I remember is that at one point 1 of them asked me how high I was & I just simply replied, "Everything!"

    It's something that I enjoyed, I'm not much of a drinker because I don't like the taste of alcohol but I can definitely see myself doing this on the weekends. I'm such a paranoid person & I wasn't paranoid about anything that night. I haven't felt that calm in years. I'll keep smoking, keep working, start school & be successful & anytime that my mom's side of the family tries to say anything I'll say, "Don't speak to soon, according to you I'll be spiraling out of control anytime now." Screw them for real.

  8. #68


    10th Planet Fort Lauderdale Hotbox!
    Boca Raton, Florida
    Classic example of why you shouldn't friend you family on facebook.

  9. #69


    Kansas City, MO
    A little update!

    My mom wrote a letter to my aunt about 1 week ago & it was basically in regards to her still wanting a relationship with my aunt. I read the letter but didn't think about putting it up here.

    This is the letter that my aunt wrote back to my mom.

    Aunt (Detective in San Diego, CA)

    I don't know where to start...but I can tell you this....There is NO WAY you can say you LOVE ME...and allow your son to talk about "arming himself with HK assault rifles and TAKING action against cops. Not payiing taxes and using that money to stock house weapons against the government." I AM A POLICE OFFICER and take OFFENSE to someone who wants to harm me because of their WARPED sense of law and government. And on top of all that...he's my nephew!

    Shame on YOU as a parent for not TEACHING your son how to respect the LAW and his OWN FAMILY! You have sat by and not been diligent in your duties as a parent to teach him that. I have made my sons RESPECT the law. Believe me, they have come home and expressed otherwise over the years when they have had encounters with law enforcement. They have not always agreed with what has happened, BUT they have always been told by us to respect the law.

    They have always been MADE to respect their Grandparents, Aunts and Uncles. You lack here as well. You have continually allowed...specifically...Kevin, to dis-respect his. They don't have a good relationship...because you have not mentored it that way.

    YOUR SON was just OUT OF LINE...and OUT OF HIS MIND...and for this...I will make no apology's for it...this is ALL about his BAD CHOICES and your lack of proper guidance. I will not take any blame for his BAD choices. I will not allow you to make me feel like I am out of line for bringing it to your attention either. Lots of people have read his STUFF in ranking, don't be surprised if he gets put on a Watch List and someone knocks on your door in the future.

    I told you you needed to get balls, because you need to stand up and Do the right thing! Telling Kevin he has the right of freedom of speech is BULLSHIT and just shows everyone you either, don't care or agree. When you told me Don said he had the right to his opinion and sat along side him and allowed him to post stuff he knew was offensive to Sharon and me (althought his postings about marijuana were trivial in nature to me..compared with the cop deal)....was so offensive to me that...why would I want to talk to Don? Don't let that chit chat at the house with **** (Uncle) fool Don..he's equally offended, but we were try to KEEP FACE & PEACE for everyone's sake.

    I am also PISSED at you for being CONVENIENTLY mad...(only at me) about payment. I know Cindy has not paid you...why are you not mad at here?!! I was the one that got a hold of YOU...out of concern you had fronted the payment and wanted you to know I intended on paying you...just needed to know the amount. Cindy is the one said..."did we get the money from one of Harold's sisters? Kim mentioned something about that.". That because either you or mom told me the days around the funeral that one of them agreed to pay something. Mom told me she gave you 100 for Arlene? I think that's her name. CINDY wanted to wait for final payment for any money coming in...but said..TO YOU...we can send you money to cover any payments you are making. I JUST WANT TO KNOW WHY THIS IS MY FAULT?????? Why is it MY fault You didn't get to go to school and why YOU ARE NOT EQUALLY MAD AT CINDY!! I paid you...if you are going to be childish and NOW not accept payment...well...THATS ON YOU!

    You have never made...not demanded from Kevin...that he apologize to family..He has not only said things about police & drugs...but made statements about Deaf people that were HORRIBLY offensive to Sharon and Tiffany.

    I am sorry to say...that if you hold your ground on the belief that your son can say anything and everything he wants (that hurts family) with out any repercussions from you and Don while living under your roof....I don't think we will have a relationship. Someone who wants to hurt & kill not my friend...and certainly, not family.

  10. #70


    Kansas City, MO
    In regards to that letter, my mom's letter also talked about the payment. My mom has 2 sets of parents her real dad & step mom which live in California & that is the person that I was arguing with on facebook & her real mom & step dad that lived in San Diego, CA & Kansas City, MO. My mom's step dad died around thanksgiving & my mom took money our of her 401K to pay for the funeral because my grandma (mom's real mom) didn't have any money. My mom said in her letter that it isn't about the money & that she is upset that she feels like she was dragged into this debate by all sides when she never asked for any of it. That is why she wasn't upset at my other aunt, because she wasn't part of this debate & wasn't pulling her into it.

    In regards to my relationship with my mom's mom. I look at it like this, she used my mom & my aunt for the last few years. When you first wanted to move to Kansas City, MO with my grandpa, she had money to get down here but asked my parents for more money to help them get here. In return, my parents sent them more money & they gambled it all away at a casino & didn't even feel bad about it. Who does that to family? They got down to Kansas City, MO & moved in with us.

    One day my parents were gone & it was my sister, myself & my grandparents. My sister & I were doing the trash & my grandma was trying to boss us around regarding it. My sister & I do the trash every weekend, we know what we're doing & I told her to let us do it & I started ignoring here. She wanted me to take 2 bags out with the recyclebles & I told her that I would come back & get the other bag after I take the 1 bag & the recyclebles out & that is how it started. They were upset that I didn't kiss their ass & when they brought it up to my parents, both of my parents told them that they never had a relationship with my sister & I. That we had only met once & that was when we were little kids & now we were adults. My parents also told them to let us do our chores & that we know how to do them because we do them all the time.

    My grandma always used my mom after that & always asked her for money for cigarettes. She didn't word it like that, she spent lots of money on cigarettes & then didn't enough food for the month so she would ask my mom for money for food & what is my mom supposed to do? So she gave her money or she bought food for her. My grandparents moved back to San Diego, CA a few years later. They were there for like 6 months & without even telling my Aunt (Detective in San Diego) they moved back to Kansas City, MO with us & that upset my aunt a lot. She just used everyone in our family that she could & I never disrespected my grandma but inside, I never had any respect for her as a person.

    In regards to the comment regarding def people. That was a stupid story I told on facebook which was a true story that happened to me at wal-mart. I said, "I saw a hot ass chick with a fat ass booty at wal-mart today, she came walking up to her friends that were in front of me in line & she started talking & I realized that she was deff. Boner Gone." I admitted on facebook that I was wrong for saying that. In regards to my Cousin (Grandma in CA's daughter who is deff) I've only met her once & I'm not friends with her on facebook so I totally forgot about her. Like I said though, it was supposed to be funny but it was in poor taste & I was wrong for saying that & I said that on facebook that I was wrong for saying that.

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