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  1. #21
    Daniel Valdez's Avatar

    Newborn Cascao
    Spokane Wa
    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan Cook View Post
    Judo and Jiu Jitsu (in the martial sense not the tournament one) are the same thing really... All of the Judo style takedowns and standing self defense things are a part of Jiu Jitsu. We just don't train them as much because we all compete in tournaments and that stuff isn't going to get you Ws at tournaments.
    you can document all historical facts you want, compare moves all do long, talk about this and that, but the botttom line it, when the rules are different and the practices are different for over 100 years, it drastically alters the sports.
    Where I am from, they are not the same thing.

  2. #22
    Jon Watkins's Avatar

    Summit City Submissions
    Fort Wayne
    Quote Originally Posted by AJ Camacho View Post
    "It's all just wrestlin' to me." - Josh Barnett

  3. #23


    Fi-G Muay Thai/Honeybadger MMA
    New Zealand
    Names are not dangerous. They intimidate, but are essentially harmless. Without them you cant go "ooooh that guy knows......" though.

    Knowledge is dangerous.

    Rather than choosing a faction, I would prefer to be the flexible battling the inflexible, both physically and metaphorically.

  4. #24


    Shawnee, KS
    Quote Originally Posted by Daniel Valdez View Post
    you can document all historical facts you want, compare moves all do long, talk about this and that, but the botttom line it, when the rules are different and the practices are different for over 100 years, it drastically alters the sports.
    Where I am from, they are not the same thing.
    Despite Olympic aspirations some Judo schools do in fact revel in newaza training. It's all about the theories of the instructor and how he wants to run things. I think that's why you are seeing some Judo associations now starting up No-Gi Freestyle Judo and Submission Grappling brackets at local Judo tournaments. They see the desire of the students, they know their curriculum contains the techniques, and they are willing to entertain that direction.

    Some places are still snobs about Judo versus BJJ though. Some Judo dudes can get pretty long in the tooth about how they could kill you by dropping you on your head.

  5. #25


    10th Planet Omaha
    drastically alters the sports.
    You are right... that is why I added the caveat to my statement that they are the same in a martial sense and not in a tournament (or sport if you prefer) sense.

    The only difference between Jiu Jitsu (BJJ specifically) and Judo as martial arts is that Jiu Jitsu emphasizes newaza. However, many Judo instructors realize later in their lives that the ground is where a smaller, weaker person can gain an advantage and change their tune. They still consider themselves Judokas and they are essentially doing Jiu Jitsu. They are basically the same martial art. Which was what I was trying to get to in the last post

  6. #26


    Burning Sands Gym Cairo Egypt
    Maadi-Cairo, Egypt
    After you have played both for fifteen years each you will see that they are two sides of the same coin. If you are a true grappler then you will love both. I was wrestling long before jiu jitsu came to America and when it arrive in my area I started and never stopped. Now since I have my own school I teach my students the importance of both. My students are the best in Egypt. They are the most disciplined and the toughest with excellent technique. I taught them to love both and they do. They grow more curious about each everyday. And I don't teach that one is better than the other so they never think that one is better.

  7. #27


    vortex jiujitsu
    tulsa ok
    yo fuck wrestling Son, I'ts jiu jitsu on mine, don't get me wrong some wrestling is entertaining, but reality is that not every wrestler has the athletisism to pull the most entertaining wrestling moves like a "Jon Bones Jones" and even he's adding jits to his game, most wrestlers in MMA are boring and not the best athletes. Besides as you grow older and athletisim leaves all you have left is technic.

  8. #28
    Gotta go with DV on this one. I hate getting pinned down by a wrestler(albeit, it is my job to sweep or submit) and losing on points. It's a submission grappling sport/match. If I wanted to be hugged all day, i would visit my grandma.

  9. #29


    Shawnee, KS
    Quote Originally Posted by derrick ikwueme View Post
    yo fuck wrestling Son, I'ts jiu jitsu on mine, don't get me wrong some wrestling is entertaining, but reality is that not every wrestler has the athletisism to pull the most entertaining wrestling moves like a "Jon Bones Jones" and even he's adding jits to his game, most wrestlers in MMA are boring and not the best athletes. Besides as you grow older and athletisim leaves all you have left is technic.
    Wrestling isn't all athleticism and there is tons of technique involved. I don't know why you have that perception. Whenever I grapple against a good wrestler it always turns into a technical game of hip control, which is a far higher level of technical detail than what I encounter with most low level jiujitsu guys.

  10. #30


    OPENMAT Toronto
    Toronto, On.
    Wrestling is interesting as it controls the 'level' of the fight.. If a talented wrestler is worried about your ground game he can keep the fight standing. If a talented wrestler is worried about your striking he can keep the fight on the ground. If a talented wrestler is worried both about your striking and your ground game he will keep you against the cage. The better wrestler almost always determine where the fight takes place. Of course there are exceptions to every rule and anything can happen in a fight.. This is just my opinion.

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