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  1. #41


    Sjårdalen mma
    Norway Bitches
    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Keeling View Post
    All I can say is God is real. I can not tell you the correct path to reach him though... Christianity was manipulated immediately after Jesus' crucifiction. The editorial flames of the Roman empire. Everyone seems to look past the fact that men rewrote most of the scripture and record to establish a way of controlling this "religious uprising". At least that's what I believe. Funny thing is the summerian text seems to verify parts of the bible, or it was the root of it's beginning??? One or the other. Both evil and good exist, there can not be one without the other. But evil will always attempt to control good, and good will always try to weather the attempts. This is just what I believe.
    So God is real... and its the god from the Christian bible? not the one mentioned in the Koran? the hindu and budists are wrong? all the religions that outdate christianity with 90% off the same story that is copied in most religions are wrong?

    I mean no disrespect, I just dont see why people would base their life on what some book says instead of just using their brain and thinking for them selfs.

    I dont care what people belive in really as long as they dont bother me with it, in the same way I dont care if people are gay as long as they dont start fucking in front off me since that would upset me no matter if there were two hetrosexual ppl fucking.

    I dont belive in any god and I know damn well that killing, raping and stealing is wrong and so do most sane people.

  2. #42
    Bill Keeling's Avatar

    Hoosier Fight Club
    Louisville, KY/ Southern Indiana
    "So God is real... and its the god from the Christian bible? not the one mentioned in the Koran? the hindu and budists are wrong? all the religions that outdate christianity with 90% off the same story that is copied in most religions are wrong?"

    Where did I state this? I believe in each to there own. I also believe all of the above are one, as are we. This is what I believe.

  3. #43
    Bill Keeling's Avatar

    Hoosier Fight Club
    Louisville, KY/ Southern Indiana
    Quote Originally Posted by Don Blankenship View Post
    wheres your proof god exsist. No disrespect man i like you.......its just the fact ive read the bible. i v read the evild deeds god wants of a man. if i had a dog and he dug out my neighbors trash i wouldn't kill him .. thats what god did to man. his own creation didn't please him so he flooded us and wiped us out ... thats wrong morally and you can't deny that my friend. i love all you tenth planet brothers but you need to think logically for a moment. read the bible and think about it.
    Because if he wasn't real, I wouldn't be here... That or I am the luckiest man on earth! Also you keep referring to the Bible as your reference. I already stated the Bible was twisted and manipulated by man to serve man's wishes to retain control of Christianity. If you seek the truth you will find it. Nothing is given, it is only earned. At least that's my take Love you to man, noew pass me that Bud light!

  4. #44
    Jon Watkins's Avatar

    Summit City Submissions
    Fort Wayne
    "How did Ricardo Arona get in my guard? Maybe he took me down, it doesn't matter, maybe I just woke up one morning and Ricardo Arona was in my guard. Here's what I'm gonna do." - Mario Sperry

  5. #45


    UFC Gym -- Thomas Kenney
    Riverside, CA
    Quote Originally Posted by Brandon Mccaghren View Post
    Sorry to hear that so many of you guys have had bad experiences with christians. It is extremely frustrating and heartbreaking to me that I am represented and subsequently judged based on the perceptions produced by people like the caller in that video. I do not feel that he is an accurate representation of my belief structure or my intellectual capabilities.

    The church and the traditional understanding of the christian faith produce a great deal of frustration for me; they are far from perfect. But I can say without hesitation that almost every good decision I have made in my life has been made based on the things I was taught growing up in a christian home. It has been a tremendous source of joy and hope in my life, and although I often have doubts and I am far from perfect, I am extremely happy to be struggling through my intellectual journey. I wish everyone could have the experience I have had as a christian, and I wish everyone could be as happy and as blessed as I am.

    I hope that one day through your dealings with me, you guys can at the very least come to believe that not every christian is a blathering idiot who can't defend his positions with intelligence or logic, despite the fact that you may disagree with the stated positions.

    And I wish good things for all of you
    Thank God! I thought I was all alone in here!

  6. #46


    UFC Gym -- Thomas Kenney
    Riverside, CA
    Quote Originally Posted by Jonathan Wylie View Post
    Catholics are Christians? <serious question!
    technically yes. However, they have quite an addendum to the bible with rules that are not necessarily scriptural. The Bible does not have a purgatory for instance. So you get a lot of fundamentalist christians who say catholics are not cristians. I guess I am Evangelical in that I believe that the Bible is literal. I don't argue over religion because it is a matter of faith. If you could prove a spiritual belief then faith would not be required. I just try to answer the questions I can and correct misleading statements.

    Like BJJ blackbelts that say they have an easy counter for the high or rubber guard and then have some noob doing ghetto rubberguard to "prove" the technique is legit...

    I find modern christianity the same way. Many people speak on it and then find some psychotic zealot screaming around and go to talk to them. Christianity has taken some pretty big hits lately...thanks to fundamentalist politicians that don't even go to church. You think Rush Limbaugh goes to church? well he doesn't...but he can get the supposed religious right fired up. Screaming that everyone is going to hell and God hates this and that.....not one bit of christ in them.

  7. #47


    Mario Roberto Jiu-Jitsu Academy
    Rochester, MN
    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Keeling View Post
    Because if he wasn't real, I wouldn't be here... That or I am the luckiest man on earth! Also you keep referring to the Bible as your reference. I already stated the Bible was twisted and manipulated by man to serve man's wishes to retain control of Christianity. If you seek the truth you will find it. Nothing is given, it is only earned. At least that's my take Love you to man, noew pass me that Bud light!
    If you look up at the night's sky, on any given night, you will see 5 or 6 stars EXPLODE! THAT is one rare goddam event. Out of the billions and trillions of stars in the universe, only roughly 5 or 6 explode every night, but they do in fact explode every single night. It happens all the time. The universe is unimaginably large, possibly infinite, and rare things happen every single day. It doesn't have anything to do with luck, it's just that there are so many goddam stars, and stars only live for so long, that you WILL see them supernova.

    Think about procreation for a second (I don't mean to be disgusting, but this is the best way I can think of to illustrate this point accurately). How many times have you killed sperm cells in your lifetime? There are millions of sperm in 1 load, and even if that goes into a female, that does not guarantee pregnancy, far from it in fact. Despite all the odds, 1 sperm cell meets with 1 egg cell every single day to create a human being, and it happens all the time, every single day, thousands of times a day. Based on the odds, you shouldn't be here, I shouldn't be here, life on this planet should never have happened. But it did. That was no miracle, no divine intervention was required. There's just so many goddam solar systems and planets and stars and people on this planet and people having sex and sperm cells in 1 load etc. that life is inevitable. Life happens all the time. It's incredibly rare, but that doesn't mean that it's special or it was meant to be, that just means that it was going to happen based on the odds, and it probably happened elsewhere in this universe (yes, i'm implying that aliens exist).

  8. #48


    Shawnee, KS
    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Keeling View Post
    Because if he wasn't real, I wouldn't be here...
    So if he's real, then who's his god?

  9. #49


    10th Planet Decatur
    big bang, creation, or any other way you believe, you are always going to leave yourself open for an infinite paradox. simply because you can always ask the question "well what made that?" if you believe to comets collided, what made the comets, big bang, what made the thing that exploded, creationism, who made God? but nevertheless.. something HAD to be created at the beginning, it was either created by intelligence, or by nothing at all. So to say it sounds "ignorant" for someone to say "God has been here forever, and was the one who created time as we know it", isnt that far fetched when you compare it to any other belief. For instance that a rock or any other object has been here for eternity without ever coming into existence at any given point. To me, either something had to create time as we know it, or else there an infinite paradox is inevitable. Because if time has been here forever, how did we ever reach today. There HAD to be a starting point to time. because today, minus any amount of time, wont give us the beginning of eternity. And im not saying this as a point for christianity, Im saying this as a way to show no matter what you believe, nobody is going to have ALL the answers. Science will either have "we dont know because we havent proven it yet and therefor we arent going to jump to conclusions", or religion will have "We dont know because it's above our way of thinking and only God can answer that question" so why argue over wanting proof on either side when none of us are going to be able to do it when it comes to our own beliefs? seems hypocritical. I think we should all just focus on the fact that we are all human, we're all here on earth at the moment, and we have a very short time here to do as much as we can to learn, help people, and progress as a whole. Whatever your beliefs are, hold to them and if someone wants to talk to you about them, or they are curious, feel free to have the conversation. but no need to go out of our way to try and prove to someone how they are wrong or explain to them how you know you're right. Just focus on things that arent going to lead to wars and division. Like jiujitsu

  10. #50
    Bill Keeling's Avatar

    Hoosier Fight Club
    Louisville, KY/ Southern Indiana
    Quote Originally Posted by Pete Daly View Post
    If you look up at the night's sky, on any given night, you will see 5 or 6 stars EXPLODE! THAT is one rare goddam event. Out of the billions and trillions of stars in the universe, only roughly 5 or 6 explode every night, but they do in fact explode every single night. It happens all the time. The universe is unimaginably large, possibly infinite, and rare things happen every single day. It doesn't have anything to do with luck, it's just that there are so many goddam stars, and stars only live for so long, that you WILL see them supernova.

    Think about procreation for a second (I don't mean to be disgusting, but this is the best way I can think of to illustrate this point accurately). How many times have you killed sperm cells in your lifetime? There are millions of sperm in 1 load, and even if that goes into a female, that does not guarantee pregnancy, far from it in fact. Despite all the odds, 1 sperm cell meets with 1 egg cell every single day to create a human being, and it happens all the time, every single day, thousands of times a day. Based on the odds, you shouldn't be here, I shouldn't be here, life on this planet should never have happened. But it did. That was no miracle, no divine intervention was required. There's just so many goddam solar systems and planets and stars and people on this planet and people having sex and sperm cells in 1 load etc. that life is inevitable. Life happens all the time. It's incredibly rare, but that doesn't mean that it's special or it was meant to be, that just means that it was going to happen based on the odds, and it probably happened elsewhere in this universe (yes, i'm implying that aliens exist).
    Because it is statistically impossible to have lived through the shit that I have. I have been shot, stabbed, jumped by a gang of 17 men (armed) Trapped in an airtight toolbox in the middle of summer in Houston, TX. Been in more (american street) fights than anyone I know of. Trapped in a waterfall when I was 9, trapped long enough that dozens of people where searching the river for me!
    Brother I can go on and on. I was shot in the head at point blank range... God entered my life at a young age, and has been beside me every since. I do not agree with organized religion, because I believe they became corrupted long ago... according to your take I should be a multiple Lotto winner with my luck, if that's all it is...

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