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  1. #81


    Texas TKO academy
    I know that's really the only thing I don't like about it is how because werea Christian nation its like taboo to question it.

  2. #82


    Shawnee, KS
    Quote Originally Posted by Tim Elliott View Post
    It increasingly annoys me that Christianity is so ingrained in society that we have to tiptoe round it like its more than just superstition.
    Yeah, I don't think that Christians understand how pervasive and insistent they are with that stuff. Like today, I asked a woman how she was doing and she said, "I'm blessed." What a self serving non functional and irrelevant response, I mean I still didn't know how she was doing.

    And it's not like I want everybody to not be allowed to express themselves, that's not what I'm saying. But too many people seem to operate under the assumption that we are all theists and they have no idea how their statements sound within a context outside of their subjective world view.

  3. #83


    Elite BJJ Redmond, WA
    Monroe, WA
    @Zach: What nation are you in?

    It must be different in WA. We get attacked from all angles up here. Religion seems to be a little taboo to discuss in public.

    @AJ: Yeah, Christian-Speak is annoying, even to half the Christians out there. "Blessed" can be Christian-Speak for "lucky." Some Christians will, when they are in the company of other Christians, "correct" you if you say lucky because technically we don't believe in luck. That's annoying. But I think the world is like that. Every time you drop an F bomb in public, or worse say "Jesus Christ!" we're gritting our teeth. Tolerance is key I guess....
    Last edited by Joshua Jarboe; 09-10-2010 at 10:40 AM.

  4. #84
    Jesus Christ some guy posts a thread about how Joe Rogan has changed his life for the better and you come on here, hand pick a short rant Joe had about people blindly following religion without thinking for themselves, and attack. There is nothing wrong in his statement, as he was obviously referring to extremists of religion, or those who have been fed it for their whole lives and never once questioned it for themselves or rationally. Are you a religious person who fits into this category? Based on your utter disdain for Joe for that 5 minute discussion (Again not even in relation to the topic of the TS' thread) I'd have to think so...

    1) Um... there are PLENTY of other forums to debate religion on the web... Please don't litter 10planetjj with it.

    2) You say you teach religion so I'm assuming you have children as you said you were working for Microsoft (and are not a priest/minister etc). If you have children do you give them the option to think freely and offer them alternate ideals? Or do you shove it down their throats and scare them with "Hell" lol
    If you don't have kids, and "teach religion" then maybe you're one of those guys who won't shut up about it?

    3) Believing in Jesus Christ/god is as significant as believing in Gandhi, Allah or Santa Claus. None of these (and yet all of them) are "the truth"

    In my opinion Christianity is just as much of a cult as Scientology is. They are both ridiculous in many ways (Humans starting from Adam and Eve, the earth being only around 2000 years old, dinosaur fossils and bones being put here only to "test one's faith" vs The belief in Xenu, dyanetics, becoming clear and so forth) But they both are based around MORALS and the morals are what count the most. Take away the religion but leave in the "Do unto those which you would like to be done unto you" type thing however it goes haha

  5. #85


    Elite BJJ Redmond, WA
    Monroe, WA
    I promise, I didn't actually ask Keegan to make my points for me all in one huge diatribe.

    Keegan, I'm going to isolate and address the one thing you said that is worth addressing, the rest is going on the mental burn heap. Suffice it to say that I don't take advice from people who make an unbacked moral argument from a point of view I don't share.

    My kid is 1. By the time he's your age he'll know more about evolution than you do. Done.

    As to your assumption that I've never questioned it, I did. My father is a pastor and he's also got his bachelor's degree in Systematics and Ecology. He knows evolution backwards and forwards and can dismantle it pretty easily. We're both natural born skeptics. We looked over the evidence for both points. It wasn't a hard decision.
    Last edited by Joshua Jarboe; 09-10-2010 at 12:47 PM.

  6. #86


    Elite BJJ Redmond, WA
    Monroe, WA
    How is it I keep getting lured back to this thread? I suck at not getting pulled into this type of thing. I'm going to try to extricate myself from this thread. If someone starts making personal attacks again, I'll probably fail miserably. Again.

  7. #87


    Mission: Submissions
    Mobile, AL
    Quote Originally Posted by Joshua Jarboe View Post
    How is it I keep getting lured back to this thread? I suck at not getting pulled into this type of thing. I'm going to try to extricate myself from this thread. If someone starts making personal attacks again, I'll probably fail miserably. Again.
    You an AJ, despite have opposite views, seem to be the only two people here that have actually discussed the matter without any personal attacks to each other (unless I missed something while reading, but for the most part you haven't). It's not a bad thing for two people with opposite views to have a clean and friendly debate on why they believe what they believe, whether those beliefs are based on science or morals or whatever. Just sayin.

  8. #88


    Shawnee, KS
    Quote Originally Posted by Joshua Jarboe View Post

    @AJ: Yeah, Christian-Speak is annoying, even to half the Christians out there. "Blessed" can be Christian-Speak for "lucky." Some Christians will, when they are in the company of other Christians, "correct" you if you say lucky because technically we don't believe in luck. That's annoying. But I think the world is like that. Every time you drop an F bomb in public, or worse say "Jesus Christ!" we're gritting our teeth. Tolerance is key I guess....
    Well, what she meant was more along the lines of, "Jesus has specifically granted me the honor of having a pleasant day as a reward for my religious convictions." but there's no need to explain it to me. Been there done that. I'm familiar with the whole range of Christians archetypes and I definitely don't just disregard them upon a whim or a funny comment. It's not some mysterious subculture, it what our neighbors do on Sunday.

  9. #89


    Elite BJJ Redmond, WA
    Monroe, WA
    I agree. But this isn't my first time on a forum, so I know I'm not making any friends on this thread. And if I'm not careful, I'm going to 'earn' so much disrespect and hate that my ability to learn here will be compromised. Seriously. Like Renato says, I'm here for jiu jitsu, that's it. I can't learn jiu jitsu by browsing forums but I can learn *about* jiu jitsu. That has to be enough for a few months and it should help me in the long run.

    That said, I'm not going to sit back and be isolated and bullied. It's not the way.

    as a reward for my religious convictions.
    We (christians in general) are still wrestling with this, this idea that you can do something and then God owes you something. It's bullcrap. IMO.
    Last edited by Joshua Jarboe; 09-10-2010 at 01:12 PM. Reason: conversation flow

  10. #90


    Shawnee, KS
    There are many things that Christians wrestle with. Living in contrived internal conflict is always an aspect of mind control. To keep the conversation from being overly personalized I'll use Scientology as an example.

    Most people are brought in to Scientology via the self help book Dianetics. In Dianetics, you are taught that all of the bad things in your life are brought about by the existence of thetans. These thetans come about via negative energy and various other things but through the semantic of "thetans" the book teaches you to view the world through a paradigm of positive energy versus thetans. It seems like a harmless arbitrary semantic and most of the self help methods are typical of any book in the genre, but then it gets weird.

    After awhile you start discussing the book with others, sharing methods of getting rid of thetans. Then low and behold, you discover that the local Scientology center has a comprehensive process for "clearing" you of all of your "thetans". Sign me up, anything to make my life better. At this point, your locked formed of semantics has trapped you within a contrived and fictitious structure of fake problems and a temporary solution which requires you to keep coming back for your fix. At each "clearing" treatment you are told that you are making progress and encouraged to give more and more all in the hope reaching a point of internal peace and ascending in your rank within the church.

    True peace, spirituality, harmony etc is unattainable. In truth they are just ideal abstractions and they don't even exist.

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