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  1. #51


    BJJ Singapore
    This sounds like youtube.

  2. #52


    Chungs Academy -Judo/TKD
    Springboro, OH
    Religion: "Do you believe in God?"
    Me: "No."
    Religion: "Then where did all of THIS come from? (pointing to Nature all around)"
    Me: "Nature has always just existed."
    Religion: "Nothing can just exist (typically said condescendingly). It has to come from somewhere. It was made by God."
    Me: "Okay, then where did God come from"
    Religion: "God has always just existed."

    Okay, I know better than to "religion bash", but I've gotta' say: I don't know if its alright to believe some of the things that people do. Yes, I'll take no issue with you doing what you want to do so long as it doesn't impact me; but sometimes it does! If you believe in a Heaven and Hell, than you've got a built in judgment system in terms of your interactions with others.

    Religion holds people back. Even if on the surface they're all "I don't know what God's will is for anyone,..." and try to totally be accepting of other people's faiths and beliefs; its still just an act. Underneath there are deep dark currents of judgment. Who's going to go against God's word? Would they let their daughter marry the son of an 'infidel'? How many families struggle right now with a sibling who's gay? It's like we're still living in the dark ages. And what does the lack of true love do to any relationship(s) like these down the line; or a thousand others?

    The other thing I've noticed is a tendency (not just in this forum) to classify "Atheism" as a type of 'Belief'. I think it comes from a very strong and structured paradigm that people who are religious have. There seems to be a filtered lense through which they see the world. The same people will typically also talk about Eastern Philosophy as if it were a religion.

    Amen, brother Rogan! We're all just people on the planet. Why ask why! Let's just roll!!!

  3. #53


    Shawnee, KS
    Quote Originally Posted by Gaara View Post
    I am a very negative person, i always treated my body terribly and never tried to better it. Since March/April i have begun training 10th Planet JJ and have also started to eat well and train to get my body to become a well oiled machine as Joe put it, its hard man, its hard to let go of all the things that i had held onto for so long. I think everyone has their own way of getting to the good path and thats what makes this world so fucking interesting. I know personally i have a long long way to go, listening to Joe is always interesting, he has such a different view than mine.
    Yeah, isn't it crazy when you view your body as a toy? You want to upgrade it and take good care of it. I never cared about my health until I started grappling.

  4. #54


    Port City MMA
    Mobile, Alabama
    Quote Originally Posted by Brandon Mccaghren View Post
    I don't think the problem is so much religion, as it is stupid and selfish people inside the given religions. Any adult who follows anything just because someone else tells them to is making some crucial mistakes with their life. You have to find your own path, and you have to invest yourself in growth and knowledge within that particular path. When you find your views or concepts to be lacking or incomplete, you modify and grow and move forward.

    I myself am a believer in God. I have learned over the course of time that I don't necessarily subscribe to a lot of the things that our religion teaches and even think that some of those things can be detrimental. But, I appreciate the spirit with which most of those things are put forth, and that makes a big difference to me. If someone has a good attitude and is trying to do what they think is the right thing, what else can you ask from a person? It's the morons that won't think for themselves, refuse to learn beyond what they are told, and act selfishly and from shady motives that give religion the bad name. I refuse to associate myself with people like this, even though many think that all people who seek God automatically fall into that category.

    Sorry for the rant.
    This is why I fucking love you man!!! You have a natural talent of putting things in perspective.... Bless you Mr. McCaghren...

  5. #55


    Port City MMA
    Mobile, Alabama
    Quote Originally Posted by Peter Hirt View Post
    If you believe in a Heaven and Hell, than you've got a built in judgment system in terms of your interactions with others.
    Man, you've got to build a judgment system no matter what you believe!!! You can't blame that on religion... Your perception of right & wrong is just that, a perception.. Maybe we will find out what "wrong" really is when we die, maybe we wont... Either way I believe what I believe because I have made a self-conscience choice to put my faith where it lies & since then, I have lived a happier life than before I made that choice... This is what I perceive to be right and if others don't, that's cool too... I hope everyone finds at least one thing in their life to make it more peaceful and tranquil...

  6. #56


    10th planet charlotte
    im going to pray to baby jesus to smite all of you with a arm triangle

  7. #57


    Mario Roberto Jiu-Jitsu Academy
    Rochester, MN
    Quote Originally Posted by Josh Smith View Post
    I hope everyone finds at least one thing in their life to make it more peaceful and tranquil...
    Maybe peacefulness and tranquility are overrated. The way I see it, I had better get busy living, because I only have so much time. It's better to impact as many people as possible in a way I deem positive, by the views that I conceived. Here is where Joe and I differ; I agree that it would make me happier to do what I am drawn to, what I am truly interested in. However, I choose to do something that benefits people whom I have no connections with whatsoever. Honestly, the work is not very interesting or well paying, and I wouldn't like it or do it if not for the people whom I have the knowledge to help. Why does it have to be about me? What about the guy who is in severe physical agony? He needs peacefulness and tranquility more than I do, and dammit if I'm not going to work my ass off to provide that for him. The only moral that need (personally, the only moral that does) exist is empathy, and failure to empathize, by definition, is insane. Joe and I agree on this.

    "Get busy livin', or get busy dyin'" -The Shawshank Redemption

  8. #58



  9. #59


    10th planet charlotte
    lololol what a look joe has on his face....its like "hey where the hell is security"!!!!!!

  10. #60
    Garbage bags sitting in the middle of an aisle as an old woman walks by and trips on a rug angrily cursing aloud various names while reaching for the Peanut butter jars.

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