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Thread: Gsp

  1. #11


    10th Planet Van Nuys
    Los Angeles
    GSP is flexible. You do not know if that video was truly to show his inflexibility or him trying to stretch out a cramp or balled up injury. I have seen him do full force Taekwando roundhouse headkicks. If he says he is inflexible, he probably means, he is not as flexible as an Olympic gymnast and it is bothering him. This does not mean he is gonna win or lose against shields, just an observation.

  2. #12
    Buffington's Avatar

    Dragon Brand Martial Arts
    Gresham Oregon
    @Kent totally but Kosh #2 was Jabbed to death not dominated in wrestling. I'm hoping to see the kicking game that was used against Matt Hughes come back in this one.

  3. #13


    10th Planet Portland
    Troutdale Oregon
    Quote Originally Posted by Buffington View Post
    @Kent totally but Kosh #2 was Jabbed to death not dominated in wrestling. I'm hoping to see the kicking game that was used against Matt Hughes come back in this one.
    Your right, but Kosh had been bragging about his stand up for a while now

    Hey your in Gresham, im right down the road in Troutdale, you ever been to 10th planet portland ?

  4. #14


    Ronin (10thP Rochester roots)
    Boston, MA
    Quote Originally Posted by kent View Post
    I cant thing i notice with GSP, is every one of his fights, he seems to take what his opponent is good at and totally dominate him at it.
    I'm not sure about this one. I'm looking at his fight record and I recall him beating guys with their weakness. Let's start from Frank Trigg

    Trigg: rear naked (his weakness)
    Sherk: pounded from the top (wrestlers are bad off their backs)
    BJ Penn: Decision (he was losing the stand up and took it to the ground where BJ tends to be lazy off his back...think of his loss agianst lil evil, Machida, Hughes 2, and recently look how lazy he was off his back in his fitch fight. I'd say BJ being on his back is his weakness in mma)
    Matt Hughes 2: Head kick (striking is one of Matt's weaknesses)
    Josh Koschek: Ok in this one he wrestled and beat Kos where he was good
    Hughes 3: armbar (I consider good JJ to be one of Hughe's weaknesses)
    Serra2: wrestled him before he got the TKO
    Fitch: beat his ass on the feet pretty thoroughly
    Penn2: clinched him until he got tired (cardio is another BJ weakness)
    Alves: wrestled him
    Hardy: wrestled him
    Kos2: Out boxed him.

    IDK, that's just the way I see it. I got GSP winning it by decision. Something similar to the Koscheck 2 fight. Stuff takedowns and jabs all night. If Sheilds gets a hold of him though, I can def see an upset.

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