The majority of my school is blues and purples with a couple whites. I work on technique and try not to use strength and today a new white belt who's huge just used nothing but strength to push me down. He didnt sub me but i was frusterated that just strength alone is pinning me down. I can see how blues and purples can deal with that but my technique apparently isn't developed enough to beat someone much bigger and stronger than me. How do I deal with a spastic muscle bound freak who goes 110% and would lose his shit if someone smaller actually tapped him. I can appreciate Getting beat and held down by blues and up at my school, and whites who use technique. I have trouble dealing with the fact that for everything I've learned in my journey thus far isn't able to stop someone like that. And of course after rolling he says "good defense" as he takes 5 deep breaths as if he had just ran a triathlon. Do I just not stop what I'm doing and in time my technique will catch up, or do I deal with it differently. Any advice for me would be greatly appreciated guys.